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How to Get Your Readers To Your Last Sentence


Date Posted: 10/18/2012 7:56:21 PM

Posted By: sashoo  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 382

Whether you believe it or not, a good percentage of readers will not read the entire article. Some may not even read it at all, despite having helped add page views. But do you know what? They well could have some good reason. Of course, no one, including you, will want to read what’s not going to help them, or what’s boring. Most people will want to read some useful staff, or staff that might add some value to them; not sheer garbage.

Well, here’s how to make the killing, and get your audience read up to the very last word of your article. Which, in fact, might be handy if your target was to get readers to click on back-links in your article.

Work on your title. This is the #1 key to getting readers afford a click to your article’s page. Yes, readers do read titles, but they only click on teaser titles. What are teaser titles? They should be those titles that do make a reader want to know more Mostly, they will educate, entertain, offer some help, etc. Basically, they are more of teasing. They usually will give someone that urge to want to discover more about something.

How about your introduction? Your introduction should, at least, get your readers scrolling down the page — the title alone is not enough. Well, let’s say, for instance, that your title has played its role already; it has helped bring some reader on your article-page. Of course, the next thing that the reader will want to look at is your introduction. Yet, if your introduction seems to be wanting, they will have a reason to run for the hills — it doesn’t matter if your title was that enticing; but have your introduction speak it all.

In the same vein,

let your introduction be consistent to your title. If it’s out of topic, you should have yourself to blame for chasing your readers away.

Your article body is no exception, as well. Let it flow. Each idea should lead to another. In fact, each paragraph should lead to the next. If there’s a lack of flow, your article will be no less than meaningless, irrespective of a thrilling introduction or title. Here’s some tip to help create some flow in your work: always, write what interests you — if you write what doesn’t interest you, chances are high that you may struggle with ideas.

Likewise, your conclusion should sum up everything, and alert your reader that they have come to the end of the article. It should not make them have that urge to want to read more, or your article will look to be incomplete.

Hopefully, this helps.

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