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Colleges and Universities Offering Bachelor of Science(Agribusiness Management) in Kenya

  • Course Name: Bachelor of Science(Agribusiness Management)
  • Major Subject: Agribusiness Management
  • Course Category: Degree
  • Average Study Duration: 4 Years

Colleges Offering Bachelor of Science(Agribusiness Management)

  • Kisii University Kisii University, Kisii  
    Admission requirements
    - A minimum of a C+ in KCSE with a B in biology or a B- in biological sciences and B+ in maths or
    - Hold a diploma in agribusiness management with at least a credit pass from a reputable institution
    Period of study
    - 4 years
  • Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology, Kiambu  

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Universities Offering Bachelor of Science(Agribusiness Management)

  • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Juja  
    Admission requirements
    - Students must have scored
    a minimum of C+ in KCSE.In
    addition,they must have scored
    C in each of the subjects below:
    (d)Physics/Geography/Agriculture or C in
    each of the subjects below:

    (a)Physical sciences
    (b)Biological sciences
    (c)Mathematics/Geography/Agriculture or any
    group IV subjects at KCSE or A-level qualifications

    Admission shall be granted to students having any one
    of the qualifications below:
    (i)Holders of diplomas in relevant disciplines from reputable institutions.
    Such applicants shall enter second year.
    (ii)Applicants holding a pass diploma with two years working experience may
    be admitted in first year.

    Course duration
    - Four years
  • University of Embu University of Embu, Embu  
    Holders of any of the qualifications below shall admitted:
    (a) Mean grade C+ at KCSE or equivalent with at least C+ in Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry or Physics or Geography; OR,

    (b) KACE or equivalent with at least two Principal passes in Biology and Mathematics and a Subsidiary pass in Chemistry, Physics or Geography. OR

    (c) KCSE mean grade C with a Diploma or Higher National Diploma in Biological or related sciences with at least a credit pass.

    Course duration.
    Four years.
  • Machakos University Machakos University, Machakos  
    Entry requirements:-

    KCSE Minimum Mean Grade C+ (Plus) or equivalent with at least C+(Plus) in Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture, Geography and Mathematics


    Mean Grade C+ (Plus) at K.C.S.E or equivalent with a Diploma in Agricultural Education or related Agricultural Course
  • University of Eastern Africa, Baraton University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Eldoret  
    Admission Requirements
    -KCSE C+ and above
    Course Duration
    -4 years
    Mode of study
    -Full time
  • Maseno University Maseno University, Kisumu  
  • University of Nairobi Faculty of Agriculture University of Nairobi Faculty of Agriculture, Nairobi  
  • JKUAT Main Campus Juja JKUAT Main Campus Juja, Nairobi  

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