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(a) Define the two theories that have been advanced to explain the origin of agriculture (b) Highlight any seven reasons..


Agriculture began about 10000 years ago in south west Asia in a place called Mesopotamia. Initially before man started practicing agriculture he was a hunter and a gatherer,
a) Define the two theories that have been advanced to explain the origin of agriculture
b) Highlight any seven reasons that led to the domestication of plants and animals by man during the new Stone Age.
c) After discovering the benefits of taming animals, man traveled from place to place looking for animals to domesticate. Highlights any six benefits man obtained from the animals he domesticated



a) The two theories advanced to explain the origin of agriculture are:
i. The independent theory that suggests that agriculture developed independently around the world as the local conditions dictated
ii. The diffusion theory that suggest that agriculture started in the Middle East from where it spread to all other parts of the world
b) During the new stone age, man domesticated plants and animals for the following reasons:
i. Climatic conditions caused animals to move further from their previous location. This made hunting difficult
ii. The population of man increased and hence more animals were required to feed the number
iii. Man and predatory animals relied on the same prey which led to a decline in the number of animals man relied on for food
iv. Overhunting depleted the number of animals that man could rely on for food
v. Natural disasters such as floods and forest fires killed animals and made the survivors migrate further from man thus depriving man of food
vi. Hunting and gathering was an insecure source of food as man could sometimes return home empty handed
vii. Hunting and gathering was strenuous due to the constant movement following animals during their migration

c) The benefits of animals to man are:
i. Animals provide food in the form of milk and meat.
ii. Animal skins were used for clothing and bedding
iii. Animal horns were used as containers and communication instruments
iv. Animal bones were used to make needles, ornaments and weapons
v. Animals were used as a measure of wealth
vi. Some animals were used for transport while other like oxen and donkeys were used for ploughing. Dogs were used for security, to hunt and herd cattle and sheep

Dana05 answered the question on May 5, 2019 at 13:01

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