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Recipe for Pilau with Soya Pieces


Date Posted: 7/13/2014 5:14:49 AM

Posted By: Wishstar  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 7507

1. Basmati rice - four cups
2. Pieces of soya - 1/4 kg
3. Cooking oil - 1/4 cup
4. Crushed cloves - 1/4 teaspoon
5. Black pepper - 1/4 teaspoon
6. Cardamom - 1/4 teaspoon
7. Thinly sliced onions - 2 cups
8. Peeled and sliced tomatoes - 2 cups
9. Crashed garlic - 1/2 teaspoon
10. Tomato paste - 2 tablespoon
11. Water, beef soup or chicken soup - 8 cups

1. Put the soya pieces in a bowl full of water and leave them there for five minutes.
2. In a separate bowl, put the rice then wash three to four times while changing the water until it is clean.
3. Add water until the rice is about one inch under the water.
4. In a sufuria, pour cooking oil, add soya pieces and fry them for some minutes until they appear to dry a little.
5. Add all the important ingredients while stirring for between 20 - 30 seconds until they mix well.
6. Add the onions and stir.
7. Add the rice to the mixture while stirring until they mix with the oil.
8. Add water or beef/chicken soup while stirring until the mixture mixes well. Reduce the heat to the lowest level then cover the sufuria using a newspaper deeped in water with the sufuria lid for about 15 minutes. When cooked, serve.

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