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Christmas Day Cookout


Date Posted: 10/31/2013 10:31:54 AM

Posted By: wishstar  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 7507

A cookout on Christmas brings all sorts of happiness and togetherness. People have been waiting for a year to finally celebrate this holiday; it would be a waste to waste it! One of the best ways to celebrate this wonderful holiday is to go to church and thank God for the far He has brought us. Not only that but also appreciating friends, family and the society at large. What better way to do these than to organize a Christmas day cookout? During this special day it is good to cook something more than the usual ugali and sukuma wiki we are used to gracing our table with! Try something more special that would at least be memorable in the future like for example turkey cutlets! Don't worry if you don't have the fancy foods or don't know how to prepare them. Guests can help out each doing what she has perfected. They can also offer to bring some food of their own. Accept! You can suggest something that is not available but can go well with the already pre-planned menu. For best results, it is good to schedule the cookout two or even three weeks before the big day. Your schedule should be planned to ensure efficiency on the day of the cookout. Here is a great schedule that one can follow.

Two weeks before a cookout

This is the best time to invite guests. You can also take this opportunity to assign them tasks and send the menu if it is okay with them. If done at time, it will be easier for guests to prepare themselves.

A week before

Don't wait until the last minute for you to purchase all the requirements! You can beat the holiday rush and buy fuel, soft drinks, non perishable foods


The day of the cookout

Finally this would be the big day. Set up the cooking facilities early. You can also prepare the drinks and set out serving utensils.

An hour or so before guests arrive

If you have a jiko, you can start it at this time. Bring out foods to be cooked and prepare vegetables and/or desserts. You can then ask guests for assistance and finally start the cookout.


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