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How to gain weight the natural way


Date Posted: 10/22/2011 1:23:05 PM

Posted By: walteym  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1895

So much has the need to gain weight been emphasized that everyone, especially the media, seems to have forgotten that there are as many people who are skinny and need to gain weight. Search the internet for example and all you find are ways on how to lose weight. Rarely will you find a program for helping people gain weight.
I know most people may ask, why would anyone want to gain weight when others are struggling to lose it? And how hard could gaining weight really be? It would thus be important to know that people feel the need to gain weight for a number of reasons. For one, clothes do not quite fit well for skinny people and skinny people do not exactly strike an attractive picture. For guys, there is a common notion that women are attracted to men with some muscle. While this may not be necessarily true, it has sunk in deep into the minds of most people to the extent of lowering their self-esteem.
Just like losing weight, it would be important to realize that gaining weight never came the easy way. It takes as much time and effort. Although there are quick means of gaining weight such as by use of dietary supplements, anyone who values his or her health would be best advised to go the natural way as it does not have any side effects and the results are more long lasting.
Gaining weight mainly involves consuming more calories daily; more than are burnt in daily activities. This can be achieved by increasing the intake of foods rich in calories such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. One should also consider increasing the intake of dairy products as well as meat.
Potatoes and avocados will especially go a long way in

increasing the body''s mass.
Gaining weight also involves the good old fashioned way of increasing the ration of food in meals. It is however worth noting that it is not so much about increasing the size of the meal but increasing the intake of calories as this is where the emphasis lies. If one is not used to taking much food at a go, then one can always take small portions of food throughout the day.
A balanced diet, one that is rich in proteins, carbohydrates and fats is especially recommended. Exercise is also crucial, not just in losing weight but gaining it as well. Weight lifting is also recommended as it goes a long way in enhancing muscles that increase body mass.
Whatever else that works for one can also be used to gain weight. However, whatever happens, as much as one may be lured into it as it is a convenient alternative, one should avoid junk foods at all costs.

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