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Whoever lacks a plan is doomed


Date Posted: 10/9/2012 10:52:21 PM

Posted By: warira  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 1095

“I am planning to buy a car, a house, to finish school in the next two years….” We find telling our friends or to those who care to listen to us. Planning is relating the present to the future in achieving our goals. It is commonly said that a person who lacks a plan is bound for failure. Planning is a process as it entails a lot of things. For instance a pregnant mother plans for her child who is yet to be born; they buy clothes, saves for the hospital bills that may be incurred. This is done yet the mother is not even sure that the child may be born alive. I will seek to answer the question, ‘why do people plan?’.

Planning helps in enabling people to focus attention on their goals. This is because planning involves setting out a way of how to achieve their goals or meeting their expectations. Lets say I want to buy a car, I have to create a budget for my income in order to save enough for a car. The budget which is a plan enables me to focus on my expenditure to avoid extravagance. Eventually I will be able to buy the car if I stick to my budget. Additionally it assists one in exercising control over their actions. A plan limits as you have already set standards for yourself.

Planning is essential in providing a sense of direction. A plan prevents one from drifting and doing aimless activities since it takes one from the present position to the future. For instance I have been a poorly performing student and I am in my final year. I have set a plan to get rid of all distractions and even prepared a timetable for my studies. The timetable will prevent me

from doing aimless activities such as gossiping during prep time since in my timetable that is the time I am supposed to my assignments. At the end of the term I will have improved in my marks as well as class position.

Planning essentially helps in clearing uncertainty and risks. When you plan carefully you will be able to cope with changes that might occur since during the planning process you are looking into the future. It erases ones fears and one is willing to take up the risks that are involved. It is often said one is a failure for not taking risks.

In a nutshell planning helps one in proper allocation of their resources. The resources I am talking about refer to time, money and skill. For instance if you are undertaking a Masters and you have a family; you have to balance your time between school, family and work; also you will need to have a good budget plan for your money. Therefore you will be able to achieve your objectives/goals efficiently and effectively.
Planning should be done by everyone be it a child, a student, an old grandmother. We live in a very fast world and one cannot just afford to lack a plan. Enjoying life in this era is all about having a plan. Mind you it should not be just a plan but a well thought out plan.

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