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The psychology behind tribalism in Kenya


Date Posted: 11/21/2012 1:54:31 AM

Posted By: macawear88  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 163

Tribalism is one of the vices that affect Kenya as a country. It influences part of our daily dealings. It goes without say that the impacts of tribalism are similar to those of corruption. It distorts fair markets, denies rights of others and favours some group at the expense of others. While having tribes is a good thing for Kenya, tribalism kills our unity and sometimes generates hate and hence becomes a precursor to civil wars.

While the common concept goes that tribalism is caused by the feeling that a certain tribe is superior, the psychology behind those who perpetrate negative tribalism is that of timid character. Negative tribalism is fueled by the fact that members of a certain tribe think if any other tribe is to have that position then they will suffer.

Negative tribalism is compared to a dumb student who knows a certain corner where the teacher will not see him cheating. Unlike positive tribalism which approach life differently and is compared to a well prepared student who is ready to sit anywhere because she is sure she will make it regardless.

In summary, tribalism is being timid of what if another tribe becomes a position-holder. It is such timid character that makes those practicing it have myopic view of what is to happen in future. Tribalism breed poorly qualified service providers who lead the country into economic haywire. It also kills nationalism as some members feel that they are not part of the nation.
It becomes important that Kenyans join hands together to fight this endemic devil.

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