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Benefits of economical habits


Date Posted: 11/21/2012 11:33:09 AM

Posted By: Geekeijoe  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 453

We sometimes see men who have obtained their life targets through many difficulties. Coming from poor backgrounds where no one could see hope in them. Those children who were born in extreme poverty, in families where getting daily bread was a miracle leave alone shelter and clothing. Children who went to school under very difficult circumstances; Due to the hardships and difficulties these people grow up with, they become very good managers of what they have. They learn to seize all opportunities favoring success no matter how simple. In school they do their best and get good jobs after. The combination of their efforts land them to their fortunes as they grow rich day by day knowing the value of their money and property and by making good use of their resources.

Unfortunately some of this people later forget where they rose from; they involve themselves in bad companies of fake friends who flatter them by making them believe that they were born lucky. Proving to them how everything they touch turns to gold. They then grow to forget their economical habits, their rectitude of conduct and the personal attention to business which they very well understood and with which they grew to success.

They foolishly get to listen to the siren voices and use their twenty thousand shillings enjoying with friends in luxuries, certain that their good luck will bring back sixty thousand shillings. A few days elapse and they realize that they have to put ten thousand shillings more in order to receive a rich harvest but before the time comes for them to realize their bubble burst, they already lost all their possessions learning what they ought to have learned before when it is too late.

If you have some extra money you need to invest in everything that

appears to promise success and that will probably benefit yourself later as well as your children and also mankind. Never forget where you come from and study your friends and everything they ask you to do. Remember not all of them are friends, some disguise their enmity. What you have is not little and what you want to waste in luxuries is not extra; you will only learn the value that a penny holds when you lose it having nothing else to turn to. Ten shillings wouldn't be so without that one shilling, with nine shillings you can’t attain the value that ten shillings hold. Evade from spend thrift habits and embrace economical habits and you will grow towards success every passing day.

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