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The power of small miracles


Date Posted: 11/27/2012 1:00:58 PM

Posted By: Geekeijoe  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 453

Believe in small miracles is a mentality that wins greatly. One becomes a winner in all levels be it in business, studies, career etc. Supposing I told you quite seriously that today a tremendous miracle would occur in your life. The miracle being that you would discover diamonds in your own backyard. It might send a surge of excitement through you but it is not at all likely that you would head for your backyard with pick and shovel to scoop your diamonds. It would just be too much to believe hence too much to act upon; such huge miracles rarely come true and instead destroy our reasoning as we grow to ignore anything of the sought. But supposing that instead of that, I solemnly prophesied that a small miracle would occur; the small miracle being that today you will find an extra profit in your days work; you would then possibly accept that prophesy as both plausible and doable. You would then be on the lookout for and act towards the realization of that small miracle. If then your life took the trend as part and parcel of itself then you would be waking up in the morning promiscuous of some miracles which you would be working towards the whole day, every day would then be of great pulsation as you chase your many small miracles. In other words, your belief itself would energize your efforts to make that belief come true.
A vital rule of faith power is: believe wholeheartedly in whatever you are presently able to believe in. if you accept a small miracle as possible, accept it fury. It paves the way for expanded miracles as you crack one miracle you take two next time and so on the process goes. Start wherever you are and believe

right now that you can crack those lesser problems connected with your business or personal life. You will find such minor miracles can occur daily. It will be a routine in your business and as those lesser problems are done your profits will be growing more and more each day. Don’t look up on those big miracles, those that are doubtful and those that seem impossible to you. It is like forced faith which weakens the genuine faith power in your business.
Among the many habits we trick ourselves to, here exists a profitable one; many have it but don’t realize it; meet many religious believers who does their work awaiting for miracles from heavens to expound their vicinity, a man of God will wake up in the morning having no route for his family’s daily bread but so sure that a miracle will walk towards him. Before he sets to work he says a prayer and as he works his efforts acquires success thus his prophesy comes true. The good thing with such believers is that they don’t pray and hope for manna to come down from heaven as they sit idle but rather believe that ‘faith without action is death’, so the reason serves them with regularity and comprehensively. They then grow to become rich as whatever they do they do so tirelessly until they hit their targets being empowered by their believe in miracles; interestingly, they don’t over expect as they only digest the possible achievements in their miracles. On the same, others stay away from such believes due to lack of knowledge in the abiding power.
It is the power of small miracles that we all need to possess, ones we’ve got it we then need to keep it burning and growing day by day for what lies behind it is great accomplishment and tranquility.

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