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How to clean your dingy sink


Date Posted: 11/15/2012 5:13:10 AM

Posted By: fly1234  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 15

How many of you, even if you disinfected your sinks with dettol, would dare eat your food from the sink? I guess non. I am going to show you how to effectively clean your sink and get it sparkling again in 3 easy steps.

Your sink is made of porcelain enamel, and can easily catch dirt and even can end up discoloring. If you wash your dishes regularly, you will notice some scuff marks and yellow discoloration after some time. These can go along way to make your sink not only offensive, but also smelly.

You will need basic equipment, most of which can be found in the house. Before you start, you will need a scrubbing brush, latex gloves, scouring powder, some household bleach and an apron.

The process is simple. Just warm some water, fill up the sink to a depth of not more than 1 inch. But ensure the stopper is in it's place so that the water doesn't drain away. Use the scrubbing brush to get rid of food particles that are stack on the walls of the sink. After you finish doing this, drain away the water.

Sprinkle some scouring powder in the sink and along the sides. Scrub any visible marks along the walls and base of the sink using a damp rag. Keep scrubbing vigorously until the stains are gone. Release the stopper to drain the content.

For the sinks that are badly stained-those ugly yellow stained sinks that keep you rubbing the better part of the weekend afternoons. You may use a bleaching agent instead of scouring powder. Put the stopper in it's place, turn the tap on and let if fill the sink to a depth of 2 or 3 inches. Use ½ to 1 cup bleaching agent. Get a cleaning rag and rub gently

until the yellow mess is lifted, until the sink has achieved it's original color. Release the stopper so that the sink can empty it's contents. Rinse with cool water.

At this point, you will notice that your once dingy yellow sink is now sparkling clean, when you follow these 3 steps. Only ensure that you have read the labels of chemicals you are going to use. Remember to keep windows open for proper ventilation.

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