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Krhcn (Basic) Examination: August 2010 Paet 1 Multiple Choice Questions Question Paper

Krhcn (Basic) Examination: August 2010 Paet 1 Multiple Choice Questions 


Institution: Kenya Medical Training College, Webuye question papers

Exam Year:2010

Q:1: The muscles of the deep layer of the pelvic floor are:-
a) Pubococcygeus, ischiococcygeus, ischiocavernosus.
b) Ischiocavernosus, bulbocavernosus, pubococcygeus.
c) Ischiococcygeus, iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus.
d) Iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus, bulbocavernosus.

Q:2: The aim of performing abdominal examination during pregnancy is to:-
a) Exclude pseudo- pregnancy.
b) Assess mother''s health status.
c) Give health messages.
d) Assess fetal size and growth.

Q:3: A mother with cardiac disease grade III (three) will present with:-
a) No symptoms during ordinary physical activity.
b) Symptoms during mild physical activity.
c) Symptoms at rest.
d) Symptoms during ordinary physical activity.

Q:4: The immediate effects of hyperemesis gravidarum include:-
a) Electrolyte imbalance, fetal growth retardation, dehydration.
b) Dehydration, anaemia, ketosis.
c) Ketosis, anaemia, electrolyte imbalance.
d) Dehydration, ketosis, electrolyte imbalance .

Q:5: The presenting diameters in face presentation are:-
a) Submentobregmatic 9.5cm, Bitemporal 8.2cm.
b) Mentovertical 13.5cm, Bitemporal 8.2cm.
c) Suboccipitobregmatic 9.5cm, Bitemporal 8.2cm.
d) Suboccipitofrontal 10cm, submentobregmatic 9.5cm.

Q:6: The diagnosis of obstructed labour on vaginal examination is made by:-
a) Hypertonic uterine action, Bandl''s ring, oedema of the cervix.
b) Maternal distress, Bandl''s ring, large caput.
c) Oedema of the cervix, caput succedaneum, incomplete dilation of the cervix.
d) Shoulder presentation, foul smelling liquor amni, fetal distress.

Q: 7: The definite indication of caesarean section include:-
a) Cephalopelvic disproportion, antepartum haemorrhage.
b) Cephalopelvic disproportion, breech presentation.
c) Major degree placenta praevia, high order pregnancy.
d) Breech presentation, antepartum haemorrhage.

Q: 8: The hormone that plays a central role in the maintenance of labour is:-
a) Oestrogen.
b) Progesterone.
c) Oxytocin.
d) Prostagladin.
Q:9: The fetal indications for induction of labour include:-
a) Fetal distress, premature rupture of membranes.
b) Unstable lie, prolonged pregnancy.
c) Fetal distress, intrauterine fetal death.
d) Intrauterine fetal death, prolonged pregnancy.

Q:10: The maternal causes of fetal distress include:-
a) Hypotension, abruptio placenta.
b) Abruptio placenta, syphillis.
c) Hypertension, cord prolapse.
d) Hypotension, Pre-eclampsia.

Q:11: The presence of surfacant in the newborn lungs helps us to:-
a) Provide stimulation to the respiratory centre.
b) Reduce surface tension and allow expansion of the lungs.
c) Prevent transient tachypnoea of the newborn.
d) Increase surface tension and allow expansion of the lungs.

Q:12: The characteristics of a preterm baby include:-
a) Red skin, hard nails, eyes closed, weight loss more than 2.8 kgs.
b) Hard nails, red skin, plenty of vernix caseosa, wide sutures and fontanelles.
c) Eyes closed, wide sutures and fontanelles, length of above 55 cms, red skin.
d) Red skin, plentiful lanungo, eyes closed, soft and flat pinnae of the ears.

Q:13: The drug of choice in the management of ophthalmia neonatorum due to gonorrhoea is:-
a) Erythomycin orally for 14 days.
b) 1% silver nitrate eye ointment.
c) Cefriaxone intramuscularly as a single dose.
d) Ciprofloxacin as a single dose.

Q:14: The nerve trauma in which the upper arm has a normal movement but the lower arm, wrist and hands are affected is :-
a) Erb''s palsy.
b) Total brachial plexus palsy.
c) Torticollis.
d) Klumpke''s palsy.

Q:15: Septic shock in the obstetrics is most commonly caused by:-
a) Escherichia coli.
b) Pseudomonas pyocyaneus.
c) Chlamydia trachomatus.
d) Beta haemolytic streptococcus pyrogenes.

Q:16: The daily examination of a mother during puerperium aims to assess the:-
a) General well being, urine for culture and sensitivity, lochia loss.
b) State of the uterus, lochia loss, legs for swelling and pain.
c) State of perineum, cord stump for bleeding, lochia loss.

Q:17: The kind of immunity the mother acquires after receiving the first dose of Tetenus Toxoid is:-
a) Natural passive.
b) Artificial passive.
c) Natural active.
d) Artificial active.

For question 18 indicate whether the statements are True or False on the answer sheet provided

a) In Singleton pregnancy the funds reaches the Xiphisternum at 40 weeks.

b) Dizygotic twins have two amnions.

Q:19: The cells in the breast that contract and propel the milk out of the lobule are:-
a) Acini
b) Myoepethelial.
c) Lactiferous tubule.
d) Lobes.

For question 20 match the statements in column A with the correct response in column B and indicate the correct answer on the answer sheet provided

a) Umbilical vein.
b) Ductus venosus.

1. Becomes ligamentum arteriosum following Adaptation to extra uterine life.
2. Carries blood rich in oxygen and nutrients.
3. Results to ligamentum venosum during adaptation to extra uterine life.
4. Results in formation of ligamentum teres during adaptation to extra uterine life.
5. Carries de-oxygenated blood


Q:1: Draw and label a diagram of the fetal skull showing regions and landmarks of the obstetrical importance.

Q:2: Indicate six (6) reasons for a high circulating blood volume during pregnancy.

Q:3: Outline six (6) predisposing factors to cord prolapse.

Q:4: Differentiate between caput succedaneum and cephalhaematoma.

i. Indicate six (6) aims of post partum care.

ii. State three (3) family planning methods a mother can use at six (6) weeks post partum.

Q:6: Indicate four (4) factors that influence the maternal mortality rate.

Q:7: State five (5) roles of male partner in antenatal care.


Q:1: Miss Pai, para 2 + 0, 30 years is seen for the first time in the prenatal clinic at a gestation of 34 weeks. A diagnosis of severe anaemia is made.

a) Explain three (3) causes of anaemia in pregnancy.

b) List four(4) effects of anaemia to the mother.

c) Describe the management of Miss Pai until the baby is term.

Q:2: Mrs. Torch, para 1 + 0, 20 year is admitted in the post- natal ward following normal delivery to live male infant

a) Define puerperium.

b) State five (5) complications likely to occur during puerperium.

c) Describe the management of Mrs. torch and her baby for the first 24 hours.

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