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Lpr 101Foundation Of Law Question Paper

Lpr 101Foundation Of Law 

Course:Bachelor Of Laws

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2009

Please answer THREE questions. Question No. ONE is Compulsory. You will be
penalized for not answering question ONE.
1.There are several functions of law, but all of them ultimately are unified by one thing, and that is, to keep order. Discuss.(30 marks)
2.Is it desirable for society to separate law and morality? Discuss your opinion.(20 marks)
3.The role of law in development can be reduced to two principal objectives: the enforcement of contracts and the preservation of property rights. Do you agree? Discuss your opinion.(20 marks)
4.Many donors, such as the World Bank, USAID and so forth, are keen to fund legal reform in developing countries in the belief that this will lead to a better governed society. Some say that this is a futile exercise, because it is not the law that changes society, but society that changes the law. What are your views? Support your answer with relevant current examples.(20 marks)
5.Kenya has experienced violent political conflicts in the years preceding the 1992,
1997, and the 2007 elections. Can the law effectively solve these conflicts?(20 marks)

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