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Bbt2103:Computer Operating Systems Question Paper

Bbt2103:Computer Operating Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Information Technology

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2010

a. Operating systems can be very simple and some very complex and complicated depending on the
structure a designer chooses to use, describe any three operating system design structures. (6 Marks)
b. Distinguish between:
i. Batch systems and on line systems. (2 Marks)
ii. Cache and virtual memory. (2 Marks)
c. Mention and briefly explain the two ways a computer thread can be implemented. (4 Marks)
d. Briefly describe any four considerations a designer makes when deciding a good CPU scheduling
algorithms. (6 Marks)
e. Define:
i. File system (1 Mark)
ii. Live lock (1 Mark)
f. Outline the two options for breaking deadlock during deadlock recovery. (4 Marks)
g. State two responsibilities of the operating system with regard to I/O management. (2 Marks)
h. Briefly describe the relevance of a process control block during process execution. (2 Marks)
a. Directories can be implemented in various ways. Explain the I-NODE implementation of the directories.
What is the alternative implementation? (4 Marks)
b. Memory manager keeps track of the memory in use and one that is not in use when searching for a
memory space to allow execution of a process. Briefly discuss the algorithms used in memory
management with linked lists. (6 Marks)
c. Briefly outline evolutionary steps through which operating systems have developed into today’s modern
complex systems. (6 Marks)
d. Using a diagram, show the structure of a computer in relation to the operating system and its functions.
(4 Marks)
a. Race condition problems can be solved through mutual exclusion. Describe any three mechanisms that
can be used to achieve mutual exclusion by sleep and wake up. (6 Marks)
b. Seek operation is a very important concept in file management. Using an example explain why seek
operation is not required in sequential access, what is its relevance. (3 Marks)
c. Operating systems are indispensable in the development of the state-of-the-art technology. In support of
this statement discuss the functions of operating systems showing its contribution in the technological
revolution. (8 Marks)
d. During process execution operating system implements a process control table (PCB). Outline any three
contents of a PCB. (3 Marks)
a. For each of CPU scheduling algorithms below, briefly describe to what extent each meets the qualities of
a good scheduling algorithm. (6 Marks)
b. Memory manager has a way of responding to a page fault when it occurs. Discuss the functions of a
memory management unit, articulating the decisions it makes to properly respond to page faults.
(4 Marks)
c. Briefly describe how the base and limit registers are used to solve the relocation and protection
problems. (4 Marks)
d. Computer hardware is made up of the input and output devices, explain any three components that must
be included in the operating system to be able to achieve the efficiency of the input/output device in the
computer systems. (6 Marks)
a. Differentiate between the following terms:
i. Bus and ring topology (2 Marks)
ii. Strict alternation and semaphores (2 Marks)
iii. Process control block and page table. (2 Marks)
b. File systems manage the storage and retrieval of information from disks by use of files, making this
information persistent. Outline the three essential requirements for long storage. (6 Marks)
c. Directories are used to logically cluster files and make them easier to access. The files within a directory
hierarchy can be specified by giving its path name. Using a diagram discuss the two ways of specifying
a path name. (4 Marks)
d. It is the work of the operating system to co-ordinate how the memories are used. To achieve this goal
the memory manager therefore, keeps a memory hierarchy. Briefly discuss the criteria or the basis used
to determine and maintain the hierarchy. (4 Marks)

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