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Business Ethics &Amp; Customer Care Question Paper

Business Ethics &Amp; Customer Care 

Course:Postgraduate Diploma In Management Of Non-Profit Organisations

Institution: Carlile College question papers

Exam Year:2009

MARCH 2009


Instructions to candidates:
a) Time allowed: Three hours (plus an extra ten minutes’ reading time at the start – do not write anything during this time)
b) Answer FIVE questions with at least TWO from each Part
c) All questions carry equal marks. Marks for each question are shown in [ ]


1. Can insider trading be considered ethical? [20]

2. Bribery can, at times, be considered an ethical practice. Do you agree? [20]

3. Explain the main features of the capitalist system and comment on whether or not you believe it to be a just system. [20]

4. Do you support the argument that businesses have a responsibility towards the environment? Explain your answer. [20]


5. How can staff cultivate credibility? [20]

6. How might a company tell if it needed to improve its customer retention programme? [20]

7. Discuss FIVE basic needs that consumers have. [20]

8. Discuss the importance of communication in customer service. [20]

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