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Business Studies Form Three Question Paper

Business Studies Form Three 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2008

1. Give five advantages of face to face communication. (5mks)

2. Show how the following forms of utilities are created. (8mks)
i. Time utility.
ii. Possession utility
iii. Form utility
iv. Place utility

3. Distinguish between the following types of goods. (12mks)
i. Free goods and economic goods
ii. Producer goods and consumer goods
iii. Perishable goods and durable goods
iv. Public goods and private goods
v. Intermediate goods and finished goods
vi. Material goods and non material goods

4. State four mailing services that are offered by the post office in Kenya. (4mks)

5. What is an office. (1mk)

6. Outline four risks against which a shopkeeper may insure. (4mks)

7. Outline four circumstances when price elasticity will be high. (4mks)

8. State four factors that influence the demand of a product. (4mks)

9. State five types of open credit. (5mks)

10. Who is an entrepreneur. (3mks)

11. Define the following terms: (10mks)
i. business studies
ii. Distribution
iii. Economics
iv. Commerce
v. Trade

12. Name five elements of transport. (5mks)

13. Name four subjects that form business studies as a subject. (4mks)

14. Highlight five advantages of direct tax. (5mks)

15. State four reasons why a cheque may be dishonoured. (4mks)

16. Explain six reasons why a new business may fail. (12mks)

17. Define insurance. (2mks)

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