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Business Studies Form Three Question Paper

Business Studies Form Three 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. State six factors that influence the supply of products in the market. (6mks)

2. state five ways in which speed of pollution can be reduced. (5mks)

3. give five advantages of operating a business as an itinerant trader. (5mks)

4. List five functions of management. (5mks)

5. Explain five features of an oligopoly. (10mks)

6. Distinguish between bonded warehouse and free warehouse. (4mks)

7. State four examples of how information may be passed through writing from one person to another. (4mks)

8. Outline the circumstances when one would prefer to be paid by cash rather than by cheque. (4mks)

9. List two examples of the following. (6mks)
i. Needs
ii. Comforts
iii. Luxuries

10. State the types of utilities created by the following activities. (4mks)
i. Manufacturing
ii. Warehousing
iii. Transport
iv. Shopkeeping

11. State five functions of an office. (5mks)

12. state six factors that may bring a shift to the right of a supply curve. (6mks)

13. Differentiate the following types of goods (6mks)
i. Free goods and economic goods
ii. Producer and consumer goods
iii. Public goods and private goods

14. State the difference between a need and a want. (2mks)

15. Discuss the relationship between scarcity and choice of economic resources. (4mks)

16. State and explain four types of utilities. (12mks)

17. Outline four ways in which productivity of labour can be improved. (4mks)

18. State any four characteristics of human wants. (4mks)

19. Distinguish between a movement a long and a shift in the demand curve. (4mks)

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