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Cre Standard Six Question Paper

Cre Standard Six 


Institution: Class 6 question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. David annoyed God when
A. He killed Goliath
B. He killed Uriah
C. He married many wives
D. He played harp for King Saul

2. Human beings have been given authority
A. To misuse God's creation
B. Over God's creation
C. Over plants only
D. To mistreat animals like donkeys

3. The friendly relationship between God and man was broken due to
A. Stealing
B. Murder
C. Disobedience
D. Knowledge

4. Who among the following was the first to commit murder on Earth
A. Adam
B. Cain
C. Ahab
D. Absalom

5. David's friend was called Jonathan. Jonathan had a son known as
A. Mephibosheth
B. Nahor
C. Ephraim
D. Betheul

6. Which of these communities is correctly matched with the name they call God
A. Nandi - Engoro
B. Bukusu - Murumwa
C. Nandi - Asis
D. Agikuyu - Were Khakaba

7. According to the Apostles' Creed Heaven and Earth were created by
A. Jesus
B. God
C. Holy spirit
D. Holy men

8. We can give our lives to God through the following ways except
A. Praying and reading the Bible
B. Giving offering in the church
C. Participating in church activities
D. Despising the strangers among us

9. Who among the following built altars for God at Shechem and Bethel
A. Abraham
B. Ahab
C. Moses
D. Stephen

10. Which of these kings of Israel was anointed by Samuel when he was still a very young boy
A. Saul
B. David
C. Ahab
D. Solomon

11. Who among the following was not chosen as a helper in the early church
A. Peter
B. Stephen
C. Timon
D. Prochorus

12. Which of the following is NOT an importance of sharing a meal
A. It brings people together
B. It promotes harmony
C. It leads to envy
D. It promotes loyalty among members

13. Which prophet referred to Jesus as the Prince of Peace
A. Jeremiah
B. Isaiah
C. Micah
D. Ezekiel

14. During the passover night the angel of the Lord
A. Killed Egyptians' first born sons
B. Killed the Israelites first born sons
C. Killed the Midianites first born sons
D. Killed the Canaanites first born sons

15. The Israelites were led into the promised land by
A. Moses
B. Joshua
C. David
D. Samuel

16. A good friend is the one
A. Who will never point your weaknesses
B. Who gives you whatever you ask
C. Who corrects you when you are in the wrong
D. Who favours you always

17. 'Faith without action is dead'. This statement is derived from the book of
A. Genesis
B. Exodus
C. Matthew
D. James

18. Which of these forms of worship was not used by Africans in the traditional religion?
A. Praying to God
B. Singing to God
C. Giving sacrifices
D. Celebrating Holy Communion

19. Jesus fed 5000 people with five loaves and two fish which belonged to
A. A priest
B. A levite
C. A small boy
D. A disciple

20. Which of these is not an important value for a Christian
A. Unity
B. Love
C. Concern
D. Envy

21. Who was sent by Jesus at the pool of Siloam
A. The lame man
B. The paralysed man
C. The blind man
D. The demon possessed boy

22. Peter healed a lame man at the Beautiful Gate in
A. Jerusalem
B. Bethany
C. Galilee
D. Judea

23. Who among the following accompanied Jesus when He went to pray at the Mount of Olives
A. Andrew
B. James
C. Judas
D. Thomas

24. When Jesus healed two mad men at the territory of Gadara the demons entered into a group of
A. Cattle
B. Pigs
C. Oxen
D. Sheep

25. Jesus was once a refugee in the land of
A. Bethany
B. Syria
C. Egypt
D. Canaan

26. Bezalel and Ohalib used their ability and knowledge to design
A. The tabernacle
B. The temple
C. The covenant box
D. A house for King Solomon

27. Which of these is a gift of the Holy spirit
A. Patience
B. Self control
C. Faith
D. Faithfulness

28. How can a standard six pupil use his or her free time
A. Engage in gossip
B. Watch television
C. Watching movies
D. Help an elderly person

29. Expressing one's feelings openly and directly in a respectful manner is known as
A. Assertiveness
B. Creative thinking
C. Critical thinking
D. Decision making

30. Peter visits the sick and gives them food and drinks. Peter demonstrates
A. Kindness
B. Selfishness
C. Patience
D. Honesty

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