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"When a person combines power and wealth,the person becomes both insensitive and vulnerable to simple manipulation." Write an essay to justify the statement closely referring to Governor George Abashwilli in Caucasian Chalk Circle.


"When a person combines power and wealth,the person becomes both insensitive and vulnerable to simple manipulation." Write an essay to justify the statement closely referring to Governor George Abashwilli in Caucasian Chalk Circle.



The governor is both rich and politically powerful.He has many estates in his possession and from the way he carries himself he is obviously rich.His wife displays a lot of wealthy conduct in the family the time she is escaping from the soldiers.Around her are workers she mishandles.

Even as petitioners stand on his way on Easter Sunday morning,he is more concerned with the extension of the palace showing a lot of insensitivity to the plight of his subjects.He ignores a message from the city with confidential letter,and later this puts him in a very vulnerable position.He is soon beheaded and his head hung on the entrance of the palace.

Another indication of political power is the consistent appearance of the doctors Mikha Loladze and Nikko Mikadze on baby Michael.In conclusion,excessive wealth without proper management and concern for the less fortunate creates unnecessary insensitivity.
marto answered the question on June 21, 2017 at 12:41

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