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Would You Die for Kenya?


Date Posted: 11/22/2012 12:14:58 AM

Posted By: linken  Membership Level: Bronze  Total Points: 58

Allow me to say that the first love for our country has been lost. By this I mean that, to us it has been lost the meaning of patriotism. Would you die for Kenya? By now I can hear many ask: What are you talking about? This is how it used to be and how it should be. Let me explain. Remember the History lessons in primary school; where we held in awe the freedom fighters and the makers of this nation, because of their selfless devotion to this country? They gave their lives, their dreams and many were imprisoned. These were sacrifices they had to make for us to inherit a free Kenya. This is a demonstration of true patriotism.

The generations of Kenyans that took over after independence had the privilege of experiencing a united Kenya. You can tell of this by the praises that they sing and the love they have for Kenya. Listen to their stories on their experiences and you will be left yearning that it were you. The friends they made also leaves much to be desired. Talk of variety. Theirs was a time when you did not have to come from a certain tribe to qualify to be a friend.

Of the countries that border us, it is only in Kenya, that after introducing yourself, the second question you answer is about your tribal origin or your political affiliations. It is only in Kenya that an influential figure will stand and declare that he is ashamed of the government he works for. It is only in Kenya that her learned brains will agree to be bought to work in other countries and where they do jobs that pay well but at the expense of their skills whereas if they stayed in Kenya

they would have gotten jobs that utilized their skills. Note that I am not against self development.

Do you love Kenya? Of course I do. An obvious answer. Again I ask: Would you die for Kenya? After a thoughtful silence, I am sure to get a few though reluctant ''yes''. Every country has its own share of ups and downs and Kenya has her own share. This does not mean that our love and belief in her should waiver every time she stumbles. How many countries do you know that have plunged into oblivion and come back stronger and better? Many I would say. But how do they do it? The undying love of their citizens is the key.

It is now up to us to cultivate this deep love for our country or rather return to the first love that was there for Kenya. I envision a country where by a person will first be viewed as a Kenyan. For if it is going to be, it is up to us.

Would you die for Kenya? Yes, I would.

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