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How to beat stress in four ways.


Date Posted: 11/25/2012 11:08:26 AM

Posted By: Dougy Songs  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 325

- Are you aware that color therapists often use white for healing and support. So if you're feeling stressed wear a white shirt or dress, or sleep on plain white bed linen.
- If you take a study on three people seated in three rooms painted green, red and white respectively for five minutes then take a test that measures levels of depression, anxiety and stress. Those in the red and green rooms will record higher levels of blood pressure and heart rate than the one in the white room.

- If stress is causing you to procrastinate, you need to break down your tasks into five-minute size chunks. Humans are programmed to increase work rate when the end or reward is in sight.

- Having lunch at desk in school or workplace to meet a deadline? Take a break, even if it is just eating your sandwiches on a bench outside work. Being outdoors, smelling different smells and hearing new sounds restores our brains so we can cope with stressful situations better.

- Muscle relaxation is a way of reducing stress without moving from your desk. People under stress often clench their teeth, which can lead to tight jaw muscles. This can cause backaches. Open your mouth as wide as it will go a few times to stretch the jaw muscles. Now try to open your mouth again, but use your hand to give some resistance. Maintain the pressure for 30 seconds and repeat a few times. This should help teach your jaw to stop clenching.

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