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How to place a mirror in your place


Date Posted: 11/25/2012 2:25:58 PM

Posted By: meg soni  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2477

According to interior decorators, mirrors can add as much as 90 per cent of the light in a room. They also have a way of increasing space in a small room. If you want a simple look, hang your mirror without frames. Alternatively, choose from the decorative frames made from diverse materials like wood, leather.

You can choose from different sizes and shapes including the traditional oval, round or rectangular. Make sure the mirror reflects a view you want to see. It is important to hang them where they will not create an unpleasant glare in the room. If your room is dark, hang your mirror opposite the window so that it intensifies the amount of light in the room.

Hang a large mirror in a small corridor like hallway to visually expand the space. Mirrors also work well next to the front door, above a table or a chest. Place accessories or even a vase with flowers so that it is reflected in the mirror. To make a stairway appear wider than it is, hang mirrors in a staggered sequence up the stairs.

Living rooms.
The traditional place to hang a mirror is above the fireplace where it reflects the activities taking place in the room. However, you can hang them in other walls too.

The obvious place for mirrors in bedrooms is the dressing table. A full length mirror is particularly useful for dressing. However, if you do not have the space for a free standing one or dressing table, one attached to the closet doors will work just as well and visually expand the space in a small room.

The vanity mirror above the bathroom sink is an obvious place. However, less obvious but equally striking places are behind the bathroom door or even next to a small bathtub.

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