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Tough situations in January


Date Posted: 1/12/2013 8:31:46 AM

Posted By: Brendah Aroko  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 3317

They call it the month of poverty and there's no doubt that for most people January is the worst month of the year. I don't see the difference now probably because my responsibilities are quite less but for the people with large families and zillions of things left for them to cater for, the burden they have to carry in January is usually very heavy. The people who like spending on parties and going out for tours during holidays also go through January hangover if they fail to plan and spend wisely.

Most people like going up country during the December holidays because most public and private companies grant leaves for their workers only during the December holidays and as a result these people have to plan their time and money to satisfy their families as well as the extended family. Due to so much spending in December most parents are usually unable to cater for all the needs of their families.

Some who are extremely disorganized even fail to pay their children's school free during the first term which starts in January.
Unlike in December when people buy all the luxuries they come by in shopping malls and in supermarkets, in January the situation is very different because people have to survive with the little left over from December and buy only the most basic and urgent utilities. Some claim that in January they only eat only vegetables because they can't afford to buy flesh to supplement their diets.

In January you find parents giving their children talks on how to use money wisely and especially those who are in boarding schools.And we all know that these talks are not useless but they mean that you will get lesser pocket money and the shopping list must be reviewed thoroughly to cut out the

amount or the quantity you want to get.So basically the first time is normally not an easy one.There are those parents who prefer enrolling their children to school later on in February but this is very inconveniencing to the child because he or she will end up missing on a lot of the syllabus and catching up will not be easy for them.

It is in January also that clothes are sold at very cheap prices. The sellers and business people need money and since most people shopped in December, they lower their prices to attract buyers and they don't profit as much as they do in December. So for those who missed out on December shopping, this is your time. The prices of every product has gone down and this is good as it favors the buyers in a lot of ways especially considering that most people are very broke.

For those who own private transport vehicles, they depend on public transport in January because they are trying to cut down on costs. People use jikos instead of gas, parents complain about how you use electricity because they want the bill to be lesser.It is the worst time to fall ill because there's no money, taking your children out becomes a dream and trying to please people is the last thing on anyone's mind.It is every man for himself.People start asking for money from their debtors which they usually don't get until later on in the year. Bars have very few customers as most people are broke, most people eat at home and don't waste money in hotels. Everything is greatly reduced in order to meet the most basic and urgent needs of the family.

If you are still young and you are reading this, I think whats going through your mind is how you'll try and change the situation when you get there. May it not be a dream but may you work hard to achieve it.

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