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Advantages and disadvantages of digital migration in Kenya


Date Posted: 12/18/2012 12:28:41 AM

Posted By: moff J  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 485

“The digital migration”. This is one phrase that is resonating in all corners of Nairobi and as a matter of fact, the whole country at large. The world set a deadline of the year 2015 by which all countries should have migrated to the digital television transmission platform. Kenya is trying really hard to make sure that it complies with that deadline.

Digital transmission will be a departure from the analogue signal transmission that has been in use. The advantages of digital transmission over analogue transmission include:
1. Clearer signal reception- this means that there will be no more blurred images on your screen and you can rest assured of receiving clear pictures which will make your entertainment more entertaining.
2. A wider selection of channels. Through digital transmission, more channels can be transmitted which will give consumers a wide variety from which to choose from. They will be able to view the channels they want and this will improve customer satisfaction.
3. It will save the broadcasting stations’ cost. Transmitting content via digital platform is said to be less costly than transmitting via the analogue platform. This implies that the media houses can capitalize on this as a competitive advantage.

Nevertheless, digital migration has some disadvantages which have to be pointed out and appropriate measures taken to mitigate them.
First is the loss of free channels. There are some channels which consumers have been viewing free of charge. These have been integrated into the digital platform and this means that the consumers will now be paying for them. Once the government switches off the analogue signal, as it has intimated, it will not be possible to view these channels free of charge. A person has to pay a monthly subscription fee to be able to view them on the digital platform. Therefore, this is a case of argument

since these stations should be availed for free as has been the case. This calls for the government to intervene and come up with some regulation to ensure that the channels which are being offered free of charge are not turned into pay stations just because there has been a digital migration.

On top of the above, the prices of the set top boxes ought to be affordable to everybody. A set top box is now costing approximately Shs. 2500. Many people cannot afford to purchase them at this price. This means that in as much as they are willing to migrate to digital transmission, it is not possible because of the associated costs. The government has to ensure therefore that the prices of these set top boxes are so low that all the people will be able to afford them.

In conclusion, much needs to be done before the government implements its decision to switch off the analogue signal. Let it ensure that the set top boxes are affordable to all the citizens and that the consumers continue to enjoy the free channels that have always been available to them.

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