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The power of determination in everything


Date Posted: 12/13/2012 8:15:06 AM

Posted By: Brendah Aroko  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 3317

I have heard of the greatest success stories in the world and they all started at some point with suffering, mistreatment and being looked down upon by the community. These people remained strong and even though at some point they almost despaired, they got their strength from the hope that they held so tight that things will get better eventually.

This is what we call determination. It is the ability to look down on any obstacle on your way and trample on every sort of discouragement, just looking at the prize ahead of you.When we feel downtrodden by the pain we go through each day, we tend to start hating ourselves and think that whatever efforts we apply into everything we do is in vain and we get discouraged so easily.
It takes a willing heart, a sober mind, a forgiving mind and also brilliance to excel in our efforts for success. I haven't heard of any failure stories where people have been so determined to soar greater heights.What would you do if you fail without trying? Don't you think it is more understandable to try first before giving up? Doing what others consider to be impossible can actually bear more fruits and those that other people will talk about for as long as they live.

There's the parable of the persistent widow who kept going to the judge seeking justice.The judge kept ignoring her but she did not give up instead she continued imploring him each an everyday until one day the judge got tired of her presence and because of her persistence he decided to grant her wish.It is so with us as well.If we keep knocking on the doors that we want then they will be opened and so we must be persistent try and keep trying every single day

and you will be surprised to see that you will succeed.

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