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Foods that help stop nose bleeding.


Date Posted: 12/9/2012 2:23:16 PM

Posted By: meg soni  Membership Level: Gold  Total Points: 2477

Nosebleeds can be scaring but some are not serious as they may appear. Most of them occur due to irritation from picking, rubbing or blowing the nose, from dry air or from colds. A majority of nosebleeds can be handled at home using simple first aid procedures. Although, frequent or prolonged nose bleeding is an indicator that there is a problem that may require urgent medical attention.

Nose bleeding happens when one loses blood from the tissue that lines the nose. The lining is rich with blood vessels, even a minor irritation can trigger a moderate amount of bleeding. Despite it being tackled easily at home, those prone to the condition are advised to eat a diet rich in Vitamins B, C, K, E or foods rich in bioflavonoids.

Bioflavonoids help strengthen the blood vessel walls preventing instances of nose bleeding. Such nutrients can be found in fruits or vegetables that have purple or red colour, for example, grapes, blue berries, tree tomato, black berries, raspberries, plums, red or purple cabbage.Vegetables like tomatoes, green broccoli, green pepper, garlic are excellent sources of bioflavonoid especially when eaten raw as heat.

Nutritionists advise that bioflavonoids don't work alone, as fruits or vegetables with vitamin C, especially green leafy vegetables like spinach, fruits like oranges, bananas, mangoes, apples are equally important. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant known to protect cells from damage and repair damaged cells after nose bleeding takes place. Foods rich in fats like sunflower, safflower oils, almonds, peanut butter, hazelnuts, wheat germ oil are the sole source of Vitamin E, which is also useful as it is a natural anti-inflammatory.

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