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How perseverance drives us to triumph


Date Posted: 11/29/2012 12:53:05 PM

Posted By: Geekeijoe  Membership Level: Silver  Total Points: 453

Perseverance is the act of determination; it is the steadfast continuance in whatever we do. When a man is in the right path, he must persevere. Too bad, there are some people who are born tired. They are naturally lazy and possess no self reliance and no perseverance. All the same these people can very well cultivate these qualities, if only they can persevere and hate being lazy and dormant, if only they can have the urge to be useful in any way; the ill-root growing in them would be uprooted and be replace with the unwavering resolute. Be sure of what you do and go ahead. What destroy us are the horrors which take possession of us so as to make us relax our energy in the struggle for the inevitable independence, the counterfeit independence that we lie to ourselves we have, which we only realize emptiness to when we have nothing to control, when our authority is buried in a grave forever and when we get desperate and die of hunger. In conclusion we should always be determined by our go ahead’s because our go ahead’s are the only watering cans in the our cherished farms of success .Many almost reach the goals of their ambition but on the way lose their faith, they then relax their energies; in return they lose their golden prizes forever, this fight is to triumph and so to attain, rooms for looking back are largely prohibited.
“There is tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune.” William Shakespeare. A proverb of King Solomon says: “He becomes poor who deals with a slack hand but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” Many people look at the dark side of life and borrow trouble, they see

that curse, that misfortune, that ill fate and a swarm of discouragements; these people always seek advice for all and cannot rely on themselves, they believe what others say and can’t live on their own. They then get governed by one wind and blown by another riding success so far from them. Some of these people who cannot believe in their conscience clinch to superstitions that they cannot overcome their misfortunes; they then expect more problems each day and instead of looking ahead to ways of managing their stand, they relax and give way to even more.
If two army commanders having equal training, crew and backup, one having perseverance in him and the other having no perseverance were set in a battle against each other, the persevering commander would ultimately with the battle as unlike his fellow commander, he will be able to address any hardship in his side, when his crew gets hopeless, he will be there to give them hope, when one man in his army will be injured, he will not stay back and wait for the others to follow suit but will be able to switch positions of his crew and sustain the struggle. This will then drive that automatic victory towards his side. In many cases we do not necessarily depend on our training, capacity, potential and power but rather on a virtue known as perseverance. Those who have bridged themselves with perseverance meet more serious problems but aided by a firm belief in justice and that their providence will overcome all their misfortunes with good; they conquer all the hardships lying beside their fortunes. Perseverance works hand in hand with self reliance and you will need to run both in yourself as confident as not to entertain any intrusion until your ambition is fully met.

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