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Introduction To Research Methods Question Paper

Introduction To Research Methods 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Social Studies

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS; Answer QUESTION ONE and any other three questions. All questions carry equal marks,

1. The research process cycle is the research methods in summary. Discuss this statement in detail, outlining and discussing all the stages of research cycle

2. Using specific examples of each, distinguish between the various levels of measurement in social research. Why is it important to know at which level data is measured?

3. What is research design? Using specific examples, distinguish the following research design,
i. Exploratory
ii. Explanatory
iii. Descriptive
iv. Case Study
v. Experimental

4. Research scholars often argue that Critical literature review is the backbone of every quality research and that a study may not meet its desired ends if this fundamental task is not well addressed. Discuss this statement

5. What is sampling error in research? Identify and discuss the various sources of sampling error in research. How can you solve such errors?

6. What is an Interview in Research? Using suitable examples, highlight and discuss the rules pertaining to interviews in Research

7. What is Survey in Research? Using suitable examples, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of survey in research

8. An effective research process requires the researcher to observe research ethics. Discuss

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