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Msb 106:Human Anatomy, Lower Limb Question Paper

Msb 106:Human Anatomy, Lower Limb 

Course:Bachelor Of Medicine

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2007


DATE: 18TH MAY, 2007 TIME: 10.30 - 11.30 AM


(i) Write your University Registration Number on every piece of paper you use.
(ii) This paper consists of thirty (30) multiple choice questions (MCQ). All to be answered in a total time of one (1) hour.
(iii) There is only one wrong statement in each question, find it and mark X in the answer sheet provided.

MCQ (type III) 60 Minutes


1. The femoral artery
a. Is the continuation of the external iliac artery
b. Enters the thigh deep to the inguinal ligament
c. Lies within the femoral sheath
d. The tendon of psoas major separates it from the head of the femur
e. Its pulsation is felt at the mid-inguinal point

2. The femoral artery in the femoral triangle:
a. The femoral vein separates it from the pectineus muscle
b. The medial c n of the thigh crosses it from lateral to medial
c. It is covered only by skin, superficial and deep fascia.
d. The profunda femoris artery arises from its posterolateral side
e. It leaves the triangle to the popliteal fossa

3. The femoral nerve
a. Arises from the lumber plexus
b. Its root value is L3,4,5
c. Supplies both the hip and knee joints
d. Give separate branches to each head of the quadriceps muscle
e. Enters the thigh between the iliacus and psoas major

4. The contents of the adductor canal are:
a. Femoral artery
b. Femoral vein
c. Saphenous nerve
d. Profunda femoris artery
e. Nerve to vastus medialis

5. The femoral sheath:
a. Formed anteriorly by the fascia transversalis
b. Formed posteriorly by the fascia iliaca
c. Its lateral compartment contains the femoral artery
d. Its medial compartment is called femoral canal
e. It contains the femoral nerve

6. The femoral ring:
a. is blocked by the femoral septum
b. bounded medially by the femoral artery
c. anteriorly the inguinal ligament
d. posteriorly the pectineus and its fascia
e. laterally the femoral vein

7. The superior gluteal nerve:
a. Branch of the sacral plexus
b. Supplies the tensor fascia latae
c. Supplies the gluteus minimus
d. Supplies the gluteus medius
e. Its root value is L4,5 and S1,2

8. Structures passing through the greater sciatic foramen are:
a. The tendon of the obturator internus
b. The pudendal nerve
c. The superior gluteal nerve
d. The inferior gluteal vessels
e. The sciatic nerve

9. The popliteal artery:
a. Terminates at the lower border of the popliteus muscle
b. lies directly on the back of the fibrous capsule of the knee joint
c. Crossed superficially from medial to lateral by its vein
d. Gives five genicular branches
e. The tibial nerve crosses it from lateral to medial

10. The quadriceps femoris muscle:
a. supplied by the femoral nerve
b. flexes the hip joint
c. the nerve to rectus femoris supplies also the hip joint
d. its four heads arises from the femur bone
e. extends the knee joint

11. the Gluteus Medius:
a. Is inserted to the lateral aspect of the greater trochanter
b. Is innervated by the superior gluteal nerve
c. Is essential for normal walking
d. Abducts the thigh
e. Partly inserted into the iliotibial tract

12. Structures seen below the piriformis muscle include:
a. Superior gluteal nerve
b. Sciatic nerve
c. Internal pudendal vessels
d. Nerve to obturator internus
e. Nerve to quadratous femoris

13. The cruciate anastomoses is formed by the following arteries:
a. Superior gluteal
b. Inferior gluteal
c. First perforating
d. Circumflex femoral
e. Obturator

14. The Medial Meniscus of the knee:
a. C-shaped
b. More fixed as compared with the lateral
c. Has no muscular attachments
d. Attached by its two horns to the intercondylar area of the tibia
e. Less commonly injured as compared with the lateral

15. The obturator nerve:
a. branch of the lumber plexus
b. its root value is L2,3,4
c. reaches the thigh through the obturator foramen
d. its posterior division supplies the adductor magnus muscle
e. supplies only the hip joint

16. Movements of the hip joint:
a. the flexors include the psoas and iliacus
b. the gluteus medius laterally rotate the joint
c. the gluteus maximus abducts the joint
d. the sartorius flexes the joint
e. the extensors include the hamstring muscles

17. The adductor magnus muscle:
a. is supplied by both obturator and sciatic nerves
b. forms part of the floor of the adductor canal
c. arises partially from the ischial tuberosity
d. the sciatic nerve lies on its back
e. only the femoral vessels pass through an opening through it

18. The common peroneal nerve:
a. supplies both the lateral and anterior compartments of the leg
b. arises from the ventral division of L4,5 and S1,2
c. its injury may leads to foot drop
d. terminates deep to the peroneus longus muscle
e. lies on the lateral side of the neck of the fibula

19. The deep relations of the sciatic nerve from above downwards are:
a. body of the ischium
b. adductor magnus
c. superior gemellus muscle
d. tendon of obturator internus
e. inferior gemellus muscle

20. The contents of the popliteal fossa are:
a. the popliteal artery
b. the peroneal artery
c. the popliteal vein
d. the tibial nerve
e. genicular branch of the obturator nerve

21. The popliteal fossa:
a. bounded superolaterally by the biceps femoris
b. the popliteus muscle forms part of its floor
c. superomedially by the semitendinosus and semimembranosus
d. inferomedially by the medial of the gastrocnemius
e. inferolaterally by the soleus muscle

22. The popliteus muscle:
a. Is one of the knee intra-articular structures
b. Its nerve hooks around its lower border
c. Originates from the back of the femur
d. Unlocks the knee joint
e. Is supplied by the tibial nerve

23. The intra-articular structures of the knee joint includes:
a. The anterior cruciate ligament
b. The posterior cruciate ligament
c. The medial and lateral menisci
d. The popliteus muscle
e. The patellar ligament

24. The anterior compartment of the leg:
a. Its muscles are supplied by the deep peroneal nerve
b. The vessels and nerve lie between the tendons of the digits
c. All the muscles arise from the anterior surface of the fibula
d. The anterior tibial artery continue as the dorsalis pedis artery
e. Its muscles dorsiflex the foot at the ankle joint

25. The tibialis posterior muscle:
a. Arises from the back of the tibia and fibula
b. Supports the longitudinal arch of the foot
c. Is a planter flexor of the foot
d. Is supplied by the tibial nerve
e. Is a strong evertor of the foot

26. Structures deep to the superior extensor retinaculam include:
a. Tibialis anterior
b. Extensor hallucis longus
c. Extensor digitorum longus
d. Anterior tibial artery
e. Superficial peroneal nerve

27. Structures deep to the flexor retinaculam include:
a. Tibialis posterior
b. Terminal part of the tibial nerve
c. Flexor digitorum longus
d. Peroneal artery
e. Flexor hallucis longus

28. The posterior tibial artery:
a. Terminates as medial and lateral planter arteries
b. Its peroneal branch runs along the fibular medial crest
c. It gives nutrient branch to the tibia
d. Its pulsation can be felt in front of the medial malleolus
e. Is a branch of the popliteal artery

29. In synovial joints:
a. The bony articular surfaces are covered by hyaline cartilage
b. Free movements occurs only at such joints
c. The synovial membrane liens the inner surface of the fibrous capsule and the articular cartilage
d. Certain joints had many intra-articular structures
e. Of its varieties the uniaxial and the polyaxial types

30. The peroneus longus muscle:
a. takes origin from the lateral surface of the fibula
b. it everts the foot at the ankle joint
c. it supports both arches of the foot
d. is supplied by the superficial peroneal nerve
e. its tendon crosses the sole within the fourth layer

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