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Bible 420: African Traditional Theology Question Paper

Bible 420: African Traditional Theology 

Course:Bachelor Of Theology

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2009





TIME: 2.00 – 4.00 P.M.

DATE: 07/08/2009

 Answer ALL Questions from Section A and Two from Section B

SECTION A: Answer ALL questions
1. Define Africa Christian theology from an evangelical perspective. (2 marks)
2. Briefly discuss any three points of commonality in doing African theology. (6 marks)
3. Is African Christian theology a misnomer? Explain your answer briefly. (3 marks)

SECTION: Answer Any THREE questions from this section
1. Evangelicals have clearly defined their task and methodology for doing African theology.
a) State the statement of the task. (2 marks)
b) Briefly discuss the goals of the task (8 marks)
c) Explain all the areas that must be included in the methodology for doing African
theology. (10 marks)

2. State and explain the four levels of culture as analyzed by Byang Kato, as exhaustively
as possible. (20 marks)

3. Both primary and secondary sources are important in doing African theology
a) Discuss the steps that an African theologian must follow when using the primary
sources. (8 marks)
b) How are these sources used in formulating African theology? (2 marks)
c) Why does the church have a negative attitude towards ATR and the African culture?
(3 marks)
d) Discuss how the Christian church can develop a right attitude towards the African
culture. (3 marks)
e) Identify some positive elements from ATR and show how they can be
biblically informed in formulating African Christian theology. (4 marks)

4. Liberation and black theology are two major approaches that have been used in doing
African Christian Theology.
a) Briefly discuss the origin of each of these approaches (4 marks)
b) Explicate the biblical basis and argumentation of each of the approach (8 marks)
c) Give a critique of both liberation and black theology (6 marks)
d) Draw two lessons from these approaches that we need to consider when doing
African Christian Theology (2 marks)

5. There is a noticeable development in African theology
a) Discuss the factors that led to the development of African theology (8 marks)
b) Analyze the three phases of development (12 marks)

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