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Bmgt 214: Business Entrepreneurship Y2s1 Question Paper

Bmgt 214: Business Entrepreneurship Y2s1 

Course:Bachelor Of Computer Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010

TIME: 2.00 -4.00 P.M
DATE: 30/11/2010
Answer question ONE (compulsory) and any TWO

1. a)When tracing the origin of entrepreneurship and entrepreneur, some views hold that
entrepreneurs are born while other maintain that they are mad. What is your position
on this matter? (5 marks)
b) Entrepreneurship in Kenya is mostly characterized by micro and small enterprises
(SMES). Identify the characteristics of SME’S, their contribution to the economy and
challenges that face the sector. (15 marks)
c) What measures do you think have been put or need to be put in place by the
government to overcome the challenges you have identified in (b) above?
(10 marks)
2. a) Explain the meaning of the following terms in relation to creativity;
i. Innovation
ii. Discovery
iii. Invention (9 marks)
b) Give an outline of a business plan and explain the marketing and finance section.
Although the executive summary comes first in the business plan, it is prepared last.
Why is it so? (11 marks)
3. a) Explain the legal aspects required for starting a small business in Kenya (4 marks)
b) In what ways can franchising from of business arrangement be beneficial to young up
coming entrepreneurs in Kenya? (10 marks)
c) Discuss the advantages and challenges of self-employment. (6 marks)
4. a) Discuss the rationale of studying entrepreneurship within the context of small business.
(5 marks)
b) Explain the specific challenges that hinder the success of women small scale
entrepreneurs. (10 marks)
c) What are the challenges of running a family business? (5 marks)

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