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Coms 110: Communication Skills I Semester 1 Question Paper

Coms 110: Communication Skills I Semester 1 

Course:Bachelor Of Laws

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. This paper is made up of three sections, AB & C
2. Answer ALL questions from SECTION A and ONLY ONE question B & C
3. Read the instructions given in each section

1. a) Advice the following library users on what to do;
(i) A user who would like to obtain a book which is in a library in another university
(ii) A user who would like to borrow an encyclopedia
(iii)A user who would like to borrow a book which is usually on the open shelves but
has been borrowed by another user (6 marks)
b) Explain how non print sources of information in the library can be helpful to you as a
student. (6 marks)
c) Describe the listener who listens too hard (3 marks)
2. a) Using illustrations, identify and explain any three things that must be referenced
(9 marks)
b) Using clear illustrations differentiate between the following;
(i) Scanning and Skimming
(ii) Extensive and Intensive reading (6 marks)

Answer ONLY ONE question from this question
3. a) You are reading an e-mail on the internet. Explain the communication process
(15 marks)
b) Give three disadvantages of downward communication in an organization
(3 marks)
c) Give two advantages of upward communication in an organization (2 marks)
4. a) You are looking for the right book to do a communication skills assignment. Explain
why it is important to survey any five named parts of a book. (15 marks)
b) Give three functions of a catalogue (3 marks)
c) Briefly explain the short-loan section of a library (2 marks)

Answer ONLY ONE question from this section
5. a) Using illustrations, explain any three systems of note-taking (9 marks)
b) Give any five importance’s of taking notes in a lecture (5 marks)
c) Give three features of;
(i) Dewey decimal classification system
(ii) Library of congress classification system (6 marks)
6. Explain the following which are associated with writing. Write a short paragraph to
illustrate each one of them
(i) Transition words and phrases
(ii) Repetition of key words
(iii)Pronouns substitutes for key nouns
(iv) Parallelism (20 marks)

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