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Bmit 329: Data Communication And Networks Y3s2 Question Paper

Bmit 329: Data Communication And Networks Y3s2 


Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Answer Question ONE and Any Other THREE

QUESTION ONE: 40 marks.

a). What is Data communication? 2 marks

b).What is Network architecture? 1 mark

c).Discuss a 5-layer network model explaining clearly how data moves from one layer to
another with aid of a well labelled diagram. 5 marks

d) Define Communication channel 1 mark
e) What is WiMax? Explain the advantages of WiMax over WiFi 6 marks

f). Discuss various transmission impairments and how they may affect the information carrying
capacity of a communication link. 3 marks

g).Explain the following:-
a) Message switching. 1 mark
b) Frequency Modulation 1 mark
c) Baud rate 1 mark
d) Bit rate
h). Differentiate between serial and parallel transmission . 2 marks

i). Discuss at least five design issues for layers 6 marks
j). Differentiate between a protocol and an interface in regard to data communication
4 marks
k)Your are called upon to set up a peer-to-peer connection. One of the computer’s IP address
is and another node’s IP address is
i. Describe the steps in configuration of the IP address is
4 marks

ii . Do you think that the two computers communicated? Explain
3 marks


a) What is a hotspot? 1 mark

b) Explain how slotted ALOHA and pure ALOHA works? 8 marks

c) Clearly bring out the difference in performance between slotted and pure ALOHA
with aid of a good labelled graph 3 marks

d) Discuss all types of networks 6 marks

e) Briefly explain infrared Technology 2 marks


a) Explain the three classes of Bluetooth radio transceivers 5 marks
b) What is the significance of packet size in a packet switching network? 1 mark
c) Explain the difference between datagram and virtual circuit operation 3 marks
d) Explain “token“as data link protocol 2 marks
e) Discuss packet switching and circuit switching bringing out the advantages of each of the
other. 7 marks
f). what is protocol data unit (PDU)? 2 marks


a) Discuss the following terms in details:-
i) 1-persistent CSMA
ii) P-persistent CSMA
iii) Nonpersistent CSMA 10 marks

ii) Discuss OSI reference Model in brief 6 marks
iii) Explain the TCP functions in a network 4 marks

a) Discuss all the six basic hardware components used in construction of any network.
6 marks
b) Discuss the two (CSMA) carrier sense multiple access protocols 6 marks
c) What is a Packet Sniffer 1 mark
d) What is meant by the term network security? 1 mark
e) Discuss types and sources of security threats in a network. 6 marks

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