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E-Commerce Y3s2 2008/2009 Academic Year Question Paper

E-Commerce Y3s2 2008/2009 Academic Year 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Management And Information Technology

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2009

- Section A is Compulsory and any other TWO Questions in Section B

SECTION A (40 Marks]
a) Describe how e-business works. [5 Marks]
b) The basic benefit of electronic commerce to a business is lowering of costs.
Highlight those costs. [8 Marks]
c) Define the term pricing. [2 Marks]
d) Explain any three criminal liabilities as stated in the constitution. [6 Marks]
e) Most organizations can be damaged by hostile software or intruders. Describe any
four forms of damage which are obviously interrelated. [6 Marks]
f) List any three types of credit card processing. [3 Marks]
SECTION B (60 Marks)
QUESTION ONE: (30 Marks)
a) Define the following terms.
i. Brand [2 Marks]
ii. E-business [2 Marks]
iii. Trademark [2 Marks]
iv. Patent [2 Marks]
v. Defamation [2 Marks]
b) List and explain the four basic components to a successful pricing strategy.
[6 Marks]
c) A manufacturing company for electronic equipments wants to obtain a brand but
they don’t know how it will benefit the business and they approach you for
advice. What are the benefits of the brand for their business? [8 Marks]
d) Explain the factors considered when applying prices to purchases or sales
orders. [6 Marks]
QUESTION TWO: (30 Marks)
a) Differentiate between the following
i. Symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems. [3 Marks]
ii. Encryption and decryption. [3 Marks]
b) Define offshore outsourcing. [3 Marks]
c) Explain the issues that an organization that outsource realizes. [8 Marks]
d) Many companies have been turning away from paper checks to electronic checks.
Explain why? [8 Marks]
e) List and explain the characteristics common to virtual enterprises. [5 Marks]
a) For a business to be termed as “consumer-friendly” for international e-commerce
it should adhere to certain guidelines. Discuss. [8 Marks]
b) Explain the methods that are helpful, which can enable potential customers
remember your brand. [6 Marks]
c) Banner ads use both graphics and text. With that in mind, how can you craft an
effective banner ad? [6Marks]
d) Explain the elements of a marketing mix. [6 Marks]
e) Describe any four elements of encryption. [4 Marks]
a) Explain how data encryption/decryption process works with an example. [6 Marks]
b) Usability analysis can help to tell you which part of your page user’s view first, how
long they stay and where they go next. How beneficial is it? [6 Marks]
c) Describe the three types of product promotions used by businesses with examples in
each. [6 Marks]
d) Electronic publishing or digital publications of e-books and electronic articles has
not gone well to publishers. Explain. [6 Marks]
e) Describe the copyrightable components that may be included in a multimedia or
www publication. [6 Marks]

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