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Educ 411 2010/2011 Academic Year Question Paper

Educ 411 2010/2011 Academic Year 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2011

1. (i) Distinguish between management and administration. (4 marks)
(ii) Identify FOUR Management functions in educational institutions. (4 marks)
(iii) Identify the main features of the classical approach (3 marks)
(iv) Outline the limitations of the behavioral science approach. (5 marks)
(v) Explain the difference between line authority and staff authority. (4 marks)
(vi) What is the significance of studying educational administration and management
to teachers? (5 marks)
2. F.W Taylor contributed a lot to the development of management thought.
Looking at his contributions and bearing in mind that a head-teacher is a manager
Of a school ,discuss the extent to which his ideas are practiced in the contemporary
Management of schools. (15 marks)
3. (a) Outline the main principles of the human relations movement. (5 marks)
(b) How can a school manager use the concepts of the human relations movement
In dealing with his/her subordinates? (10 marks)
4. Authority is the key to the executive job and the binding force in the organization.
(a) What is authority? (2 marks)
(b) Identify three sources of authority of a school manager. (3 marks)
(c) Discuss the basic elements of leadership which a school leader must possess.
(10 marks)
5. “Decision-making is the primary task of management.” Discuss and explain the
Process of rational decision-making. (15 marks)
6. In management practice, effective communication is a basic prerequisite for the
attainment of organizational goals; yet it has remained one of the biggest problems
facing modern management .

(a) Describe the various elements in the process of communication. (7 marks)
(b) Discuss the role of communication in educational management . (8 marks)

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