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Environmental Impact Assessment Y3s2 Question Paper

Environmental Impact Assessment Y3s2 

Course:Bachelor Of Environmental Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. The examination comprises Section A (40 marks) and Section B (20 marks).
2. Answer ALL the questions in section A and answer only TWO questions in section B.
3. Keep your answers precise, neat and clear and use appropriate illustrations and

1. Summarize the key activities that are carried out during the following stages in
the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process. (8 marks)

a) Scoping.
b) Identification of Impacts
c) Predication of Impacts
d) Mitigation

2. Briefly explain five purposes of doing environmental impact assessment in any
country in the world (4 marks)
3. Briefly discuss four reasons why EIA has not yet been legislated in some
developing countries (4 marks)
4. Make comparison between flow diagram and Network Analysis methods used in
the EIA process (8 marks)
5. Briefly discuss the content and format of an environmental impact assessment
(EIA) study report as provided for in the environmental impact assessment and
environmental audit regulations of 2003. (8 marks)
6. Discuss the benefits and challenges of public participation in the EIA process and
how the challenges can be addressed (8 marks)


7. Using a matrix method, demonstrate how identified environmental impacts arising
from Thika – Nairobi highway road construction project, can be quantified the
EIA process. (10 marks)

8. Elaborate on five laws or legislations and or policies which are relevant and
applicable to the EIA Process of the Thika- Nairobi Highway road construction.
(10 marks)

9. Discuss five requirements of ISO : 14001 and five benefits of ISO: Environmental
management systems (EMS) on which ISO 14001 is based. (10 Marks)

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