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Educ 311 Question Paper

Educ 311 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2009

Answer Question 1 and any other 2 questions

Q1. a) Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of project method of teaching
[10 mks]
b) Examine the measures you would take to ensure effective control and discipline of your
classroom during actual instruction [10mks]
c) Show clearly how you would deal with individual differences in your class for effective
instruction [10 mks]
Q2. a) In your view, why do students learn at different rates? [10 mks]
b) Construct a typical lessons plan with 2 objectives lasting 10 minutes [5 mks]
c) How would you instruct the uninterested child? [5 mks]

Q3. a) Discuss the main barrier to effective communication during actual instruction [10 mks]
b) Compare the advantages of heuristic and expository teaching strategies

Q4. a) Discuss briefly how the following methods are sued in class
i. Narration [2mks]
ii. Text reading [2mks]
iii. Note writing [2mks]
iv. Demonstration [2mks]
b) Detail out how you can use field trip method effectively to facilitate learning [12mks]

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