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Envs 314 Question Paper

Envs 314 

Course:Bachelor Of Environmental Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Attempt ALL Questions in Section A and Any Two in Section B

1. (a) Explain how the application of GIS differs from CAC and CAD applications [4 marks]
(b) Describe the difference between analog and digital GIS storage and retrieval functions.
[5 marks]
2. (a) Describe the use of symbols to represent real world objects in GIS. [6 marks]
(b) Explain the characteristics of spatial measurements scales. [6 marks]
3. (a) Explain how the system of angular measurement is used to locate the objects on the
earth. [4 marks]
(b) Describe three computer files used in GIS. [6 marks]
4. Explain the use of network system in management of GIS information. [6 marks]
5. Describe the meaning and use of land information system. [3 marks]

6. Describe the vector data structure and explain how it differs from Rasta in its ability
to locate objects in space. [10 marks]
7. Describe the advantages of IMGRID Rasta data model. [10 marks]
8. Describe the general uses of GIS. [10 Marks]

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