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Health And Physical Education Question Paper

Health And Physical Education 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2009

Section A is compulsory. Answer TWO questions from section B

1. List five primary aims of Physical Education. (5mks)

2. Compare and contrast the health club model with the sports educational model.(2mks)

3. Define physical fitness. (2mks)

4. Mention five principles of exercise prescription. (5mks)
5. The ministry of education would like to do away with Health Education, argue for its
retention giving at least seven convincing facts on why Health Education is important.
6. You have noticed that most children in your school are malnourished. Write a
paragraph in the newsletter detailing dietary guidelines for better health. Use at least
five guides. (5mks)
7. Explain four functions of the brain. (4mks)

SECTION B: Answer Two Questions from this Section
2. (a) Physical fitness requires training that brings about emotional, physical and mental
benefits. Discuss these benefits giving at least three for each. (10mks)

(b) Explain the five basic nutrition and food groups. (10mks)
(c) Mention two popular sports in Kenyan schools. (1mk)

3. (a) Define the term obesity. (2mks)
(b) Discuss 8 causes of obesity. (8mks)
(c) Discuss five influencing factors of drug addition. (5mks)
(d) Evaluate five solutions prescribed for drug abuse. (5mks)

4. (a) Explain the causes and effects of marasmus. (4mks)
(b) Give brief explanation of the following diseases
1. Gonorrhea
2. Pelvic inflammatory disease
3. Syphilis (6mks)
(c) Define alcoholism and discuss at lease six effects of alcohol on health. (7mks)
(d) Mention six measures of cholera control. (3mks)

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