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Zool 220: Introduction To Animal Ecology Question Paper

Zool 220: Introduction To Animal Ecology 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2010


Answer ALL questions from SECTION A and any TWO from SECTION B

SECTION A (40marks)

1.Briefly explain why the following are important in ecosystems.

a) Carbon cycle (2marks)
b) Nitrogen cycle (2marks)
c) Decomposers (2marks)
d) Dominant plants (2marks)

2. Explain how the following factors affect biotic life in aquatic ecosystems.
a) Salinity (2marks)
b) Currents (2marks)
c) Temperature (2marks)
d) Light (2marks)

3 a) What is Biodiversity (2marks)
b) Explain how the activities below affect biodiversity in an ecosystem
(i) Habitat destruction
(ii) Exotic species introduction

4. Explain the ecological relationship between Mau forest and the
Population of Flamingoes in Lake Nakuru (8marks)

5 Write short notes on the following;
a) Primary succession (4 marks)
b) Predator- prey relationship (4 marks)

SECTION B (30 marks)

6 a) What are Biological resources (2 mark)
b) Discuss the importance of biological resources to man (13 marks)

7 Discuss the Hydrological cycle (15 marks)

8 Illustrate and describe energy flow in an ecosystem (15 marks)

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