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Bmgt 111: Introduction To Business November 2009 Question Paper

Bmgt 111: Introduction To Business November 2009 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Science

Institution: Kabarak University question papers

Exam Year:2009

Question ONE is compulsory and any other TWO
1. (a) Define the term Business and explain why business firms exist. (10mks)
(b) Explain how the following environment forces present both opportunities and
threats to business operations.
(i) Economic Environment (10mks)
(ii) Technological Environment (10mks)
2. (a) Compare and Contrast the characteristics, formation, financing and management
of the following forms of business.
(i) Public company (8mks)
(ii) Co-operatives (6mks)
3. (a) Explain the major managerial functions and explain how they are related to the
function of a business firm. (12mks)
(b) Discuss the roles played by managers of private companies in Kenya. (8mks)
4. Describe and briefly discuss different types of financial institutions in Kenya and
state how they affect different forms of businesses in Kenya.
5. (a) Explain the main characteristics of the sources of financing business activities in
Kenya. (10mks)
(b) Discuss the role of the National Stock Exchange in the economic development of
Kenya. (10mks)

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