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Soc 110: Introduction To Sociology Question Paper

Soc 110: Introduction To Sociology 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Sociology

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2014

MOI UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS 2013/2014 ACADEMIC YEAR FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN SOCIOLOGY COURSE CODE: SOC 110 COURSE TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question one and any other three questions. All questions carry equal marks (17 ½ marks) Sociological knowledge is indispensible in the present day Kenyan society. Discuss Using suitable examples, explain the difference in perspective that exists between structural functionalism and conflict paradigms in the understanding of the nature of the society. ‘According to Karl Marx, society is fundamentally divided between classes that clash in pursuit of their own interests.’ Give a brief outline of his views and examine the relevance of his sentiments in understanding the present day Kenyan society. ‘Most of the social problems faced by the youth in Kenya today are attributed to the fact that the primary socializing role of the family has been taken over by the secondary socializing agents.’ Using examples drawn from the Kenyan context, critically examine the relevance of this statement. What do you understand by the term ‘deviant’? Discuss the various social control mechanisms that your community uses to eradicate deviancy among its members. Explain the concept of leadership and analyze the bases of leadership power in your community. Discuss the various types of social groups and examine the importance of social groups in Kenya today. (a) Explain the meaning of the terms “social change” and “globalization” (5marks) (b) “With globalization, Third World Countries’ socio economic position is bound to decline.” Provide your own informed view (12 ½ marks)

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