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Business Policy And Strategic Planning Question Paper

Business Policy And Strategic Planning 

Course:Diploma In Management (Management)

Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2005

1.Answer any FOUR of the SIX questions
2.All questions carry equal marks
This paper consists of 2 printed pages
1.(a) The poor state of the economy of country X poses some major challenges to managers in their endeavour to meet the objectives of their business organizations. Outline the measures that a manager can take in relation to the operations of the organization, in order to cope with the challenges.(10 marks)
(b) There are certain ways in which the structure of an organization may hinder the effective implementation of the strategies of the organization. Outline these ways.(15 marks)

2.(a) The Government of Kenya has been concerned with the poor nature of the management of most parastatals in the country. Highlight the measures that the Government can take in order to improve the management of these organizations.(15 marks)
(b) It is necessary that the objectives set for a business should be measurable. Explain the reasons for this requirement.(10 marks)

3.(a) The directors of Kazi Nyingi Limited are not convinced as to why they should spend a lot of company funds in the development of a corporate strategic plan. Explain to the directors the benefits that may accrue to the company from the implementation of such a corporate strategic plan.(10 marks)
(b) The personal values of a strategic may influence the choice of strategies formulated for a business enterprise.. Describe the positive values of the strategic that may influence the choice of strategies.(15 marks)

4.(a) The employees of Fanya Kazi Limited were informed during a management seminar that forecasting is a key step in strategy formulation. Explain the reasons why such forecasting is necessary.(10 marks)
(b) It is always necessary for an organization to understand the likely impact of any planned changes before implementing the changes. Explain the reasons why such understanding may be necessary.(15 marks)

5.(a) Rikafu Limited has been performing very poorly of late and the directors fear that it might collapse. Advise the directors on the factors that they should consider in choosing the strategy to adopt in order to save the company from collapsing.(15 marks)
(b) Explain the reasons why a business should analyze its threats, as part of its SWOT analysis.(10 marks)

6.(a) For business survival in today's environment, an organization requires visionary leadership. Outline the reasons that may justify this statement.(15 marks)
(b) Explain the ways in which middle level managers in an organization contribute to the attainment of the organization's objectives.(10 marks)

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