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Form 4 Christian Religious Education (Cre) Paper 1 313/1 Term 2 Exam Question Paper

Form 4 Christian Religious Education (Cre) Paper 1 313/1 Term 2 Exam 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016


-This paper has six Questions
- Each question carries 20 marks
- Answer any five questions

1. a) Identify the National goals promoted through the study of Christians Religious Education.
(5 marks)
b) Giving examples, outline seven authors of the Bible.
(7 marks)
c) state eight teachings on the relationship between human being and God from the Genesis creation stories.
(8 marks)

2. a) Identify eight challenges faced by Moses during the Exodus.
(8 marks)
b) Give the conditions given by God during the renewal of the Sinai covenant.
(5 marks)
c) Name the leadership qualities that Christians can derive from Moses.
(8 marks)

3. a) Outline eight reasons why prophet Samuel was against Kingship in Israel.
(8 marks)
b) Describe how king Jeroboam promoted religious schism in Israel.
(6 marks)
c) State ways in which false religion is manifested in Kenya today.
(6 marks)

4. a) Give six reasons why God sent prophets to Israel.
(6 marks)
b) Explain Amos’ teaching on remnant and restoration,
(7 marks)
c) Show seven ways in which the youth can live according to the teachings of prophet Amos
(7 marks)

5. a) Explain how the Israelites were encouraged by prophet Jeremiah to live in hope during the Babylonian Exile.
(8 marks)
b) Give seven problems that Nehemiah encountered in the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem.
(7 marks)
c) State ways in which Christians can restore hope to the needy in society.
(5 marks)

6. a) Give the importance of kinship in the traditional African Community.
(7 marks)
b) Identify factors that have affected Traditional African specialist today.
(8 marks)
c) Identify five ways of acquiring Moral values in Traditional African society.
(5 marks)

Marking Scheme/Answers


1. a) National goals promoted through the study of Christian religious Education.
- To improve social equality
- Create awareness of international consciousness
- promote/appreciate cultural heritage,
- promote individual development/ achieve self fulfillment.
- promote/ provide individual social economic needs.
- promote National unity/love/peace.
5 X 1 = 5 marks
b) author of the bible.
-Moses – Genesis
- David – Psalms
-Solomon – Proverbs
-Paul – Galatians
- Peter – I & II Peter
- Luke – Acts, Luke
- Jeremiah – Jeremiah
John – Revelation
(7 x 1 = 7 marks)
c) Teaching on the relationship between human beings and God from the Genesis creation stories.
- Human beings were created by God.
- God is concerned with the welfare of human beings
- God created human beings to be special.
- Human beings are co – creator with God/ Continue with God’s creation.
- God sustains the lives of human beings.
-God created Human beings to serve him
- God created human beings to be in charge of his creation
- Human beings should obey God did
-Human beings should work has God did
-God created human beings to worship him
8 X 1 = 8 marks

2. a) Challenges faced by Moses during Exodus.
- Threats from the Egyptians army who followed them which made people to panic and turn against Moses.
- Problem of food in the wilderness.
- People complained a lot when they lacked water.
- Encounter with unfriendly or hostile tribes in the wilderness.
-Faced the problems of settling disputes among the people.
- Moses was a stammerer.
-Harsh desert conditions.
- People kept on grumbling and losing confidence in him.
- People showed weak faith by worshiping idol calf when Moses was away in the mountains
- The journey was long and tiring.
8 X 1 = 8 marks

(b) Conditions given by God to the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinai Covenant,
- The Israelites were to obey what God commanded them.
- They were not to make any treaty with those who lived in the land where they were going.
- To destroy their alters/ smash their sacred stones/ cut down their Asherah.
-Not to worship any other God
- Not to make idols
-To keep the feasts of unleavened bread/feast of weeks/feast of ingathering
- To rest on Sabbath day
- Not to intermarry with the foreigners.
- To dedicate the male first born to God/offer their first fruits to God.
5 X 5 = 5 marks

(c) Leadership qualities that Christians can learn from Moses.
- Obedience
- Wisdom
- Patience
- Compassion
- readiness to forgive
7 x 1 = 7
3. a) Reasons why prophet Samuel was against Kingship in Israel.
- it was against the theocratic rule of god
- It was going to be dictatorial rule.
- It would promote forced labour
-Their land/ harvests would be grabbed by the king.
- They would lose their identity as a covenant people.
- In hereditary system, it would be hard to replace oppressive rulers.
- Their daughters would be enslaved in the palace
- Their sons would be forced into the army.
8 X 1 = 8 marks

b) How king Jeroboam promoted religious schism in Israel
- He brought polytheism by building golden calves at Bethel and Dan.
- He presented Israelites worship of God in Jerusalem.
-He made Israelites to offer sacrifices to Baal.
- He built other places of worship on hill tops to emulate other Nations.
- He chose his own priest from ordinary families instead of getting them from the Levites living in Judah.
He instituted religious festivals/ feasts in the months of his choice.
- He burnt against God’s commandments.
- He worshipped idols.
6 X 1 = 6

c) Ways in which false religion is manifested in Kenya today.
- Devil worshipping.
- False prophesy about end of times.
- Human sacrifices
- Consulting mediums, Wizards etc
- People claiming to be God/God’s prophets
-Selling of anointing oil/ water for cure.
- Emergence of cults.
- Commercializing spiritual gifts. (Any other relevant point)

4. a) Reasons why God sent prophets to Israel.
- To teach about Gods true nature
- To act as mediators between God and people
- To condemn social evils in Israel.
- To anoint leaders or Kings.
- To warn people of God’s coming judgerment for their sins.
- To teach people the way of covenant way of life
- To announce the restoration of Israel for those who repent.
- To act as a conscience of king.
- To condemn idolatry and promote monotheism/religious of Yahwe.

b) Amos’ teaching on remnant and restoration.
- Israel exile to Babylon was like sieving out the wicked people to be destroyed and letting the few good ones to survive
- Amos informed the Israelites that God was still giving then chance to repent.
- During the punishment, God would preserve the righteous while all the wicked would die by the sword
- David’s empire would be restored to glory. This would be done by remnant who through God’s help would conquer all the neighboring land that once belonged to them.
- The Davidic kingdom of Israel would be restored and the ruined cities of Israel rebuilt,
- The people of the restored kingdom would enjoyed the fruits of their labour, the harvest would be abundant as the land would once be productive.
- The future hope of restoration was seen in the form of material prosperity.
- After judgment God would restore the nation of Israel back to its land where the people would dwel securely.

C) Ways in which the youth can live according to the teachings of prophet Amos
- By praying for the guidance of the holy spirit in all their undertakings.
- By exercising self control, especially in situations where they encounter sexual temptations.
- By upholding moral uprightness in whatever they do.
- By forming youth groups to carry out activities that can generate funds in order to the poor.
-By going for retreats to reflect on how they have lived their lives and ways in which they can improve their lives.
- By having Bible discussions and sharing experiences in order to avoid failing into sin.
- By sensitizing other youth community members on the social consequences.
-By worshipping God In sincerity and truth
- By avoiding all forms of idol worship.

5. a) How the Israelites were encouraged by prophet Jeremiah, to live in hope during the Babylonian exile
- Jeremiah thought that Israelites would be restored.
- when they came back from exile they would prosper.
- They would have fair/just rules
- They would live in peace
- God would increase their number by them having many children/ encouraged to marry and get children,
- They would worship him alone/ they would be his people/ he would rule wisely
- The exile/suffering would not last forever/God had good plans for them.
- Laws would be written in their hearts; they would know God individually.
- Their sins would be forgiven.
- Individuals will be responsible for their sins
- God would make an everlasting covenant with them
- God would raise a new community of his people.

b) Problems that Nehemiah encountered in the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem.
- The officials of Tekoa did not Co- operate with him
- HE was ridiculed threats by Sanballat and Tobiah
- He received threats of violence from the enemies.
- A trap was laid to dwell his mission of rebuilding the wall.
-There was a plot to kill him
- Insecurity from the enemies threatened to attack the builders,
- False prophets tried to discourage him.
- opposition from the Jewish nobles
- False accusation from his enemies

c) Ways in which Christians can restore hope to the needy in the society
- Providing them with basic needs/food shelter clothing
- Praying for them
- Giving the guidance and counseling
- Preaching to them
- Visiting them in their home for pastoral care
- Creates job opportunities/employ them
- Educating them with their right
- Invite them in churches
- Educating them on their right and responsibility

6.a) Importance of kingship in traditional African community.
- It determines how members relate to one another e.g father, son and daughter.
- IT binds together the entire community/ brings unity.
- It assists people to live together in peace and harmony
- It provides a sense of security to all times.
- It gives an individual in the community a sense of belonging
- It regulates on who could marry,
- It safeguards punishment for offenders.
- It determines punishment for offenders.
- It enhance unity among members of the community.

b) Factors that have affected the role of traditional African specialist today.
- Modern science and technology
- Western education
- Influence from other religious
- Rural – urban migration
- Breakdown in traditional values
- Western culture
- Generation gap/ specialists seen as outdate
- Emergence of quacks
- Lack of government support

c) Ways of acquiring moral values in traditional African society.
- Teaching traditional society
- Administration of punishment
- Guiding and counseling.
- Rewarding morally acceptable behavior.
-Involving them in constructive activities

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