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Form 4 Cre End Of Term 1 Exam Question Paper

Form 4 Cre End Of Term 1 Exam 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2016

a)This paper consist of Six questions.
b)Answer any five questions.

1. a)Give five reasons why christians read the Bible. (5mks)
b)Why is the Bible referred to as the word of God. (7mks)
c)What eight factors may hinder effective evangelization in Kenya? (8mks)

2. a)Give seven actions which demonstrate that Abraham is the father of faith.(7mks)
b)State six lessons that Abraham learnt about God from his experience at Mt. Moriah.(6mks)
c)In what ways are Christians expressing their faith in God today.(7mks)

3. a)State seven achievements of king Solomon.(7mks)
b)King Solomon did more harm than good to the Israelites. Explain.(8mks)
c)What five lessons can a christian learn from the reign of king Solomon.(5mks)

4. a)Identity five categories of prophets.(5mks)
b)What were the duties of God's prophets in Israel.(7mks)
c)How would your church distinguish between false prophets from a true one?(8mks)

5. a)Nehemiah is portrayed as a prayerful leader. Identity occasions when he prayed.(8mks)
b)State five leadership qualities found in Nehemiah.(5mks)
c)State seven importance of prayer in a christian daily life.(7mks)

6. Explain the significance of traditional rites connected with death in African community.(8mks)
b)State six significance of prayer in traditional communities.(6mks)
c)Identify factors that promote harmony and mutual responsibility in Kenya today.(6mks)

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