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Money And Banking  Question Paper

Money And Banking  

Course:Bachelor Of Business Administration

Institution: Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2016

Question one
(I) Explain how presence of Non-bank Financial Intermediaries has facilitated economic growth and transformation of country like Kenya. (10marks)
(II) Explain the challenges of World Bank and International Monetary Fund in maintaining economic stability and growth to member(10marks)
(III) Explain the key difference between the kenynesian and Friedman theories of the demand for money. (10marks)
Question two
(I) monetary policy refers to the changes of money supply in economy, Describe the main issues to be addressed in formulating monetary policy (10marks)
(II) Explain the mechanisms used and reasons why the central Bank to supervise commercial banks (10marks)
Question Three
(I) Discus some of the consequential economic impacts of high and rising rate of interest rate an economy (10marks)
(II) The cCentral Bank of Kenya was established soon after the country attained Independence. Explain the reasons why the Central Bank is referred as Banker to the commercial Banks (10marks)
Question four
(I) Assume there is only one bank in economy and the Central Bank requires that banks maintain a reserve requirements of 15% and total deposit amount to 50000 Describe the process of credit creation among various Banks.
(II) Explain the major reforms which have taken place in the financial sector for the last decade giving out relevant examples
Question five
(I) Explain the benefits of having an independent Central Bank (10 marks)
(II) Explain the role of commercial banks in economic growth and development in an economy (10 marks)

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