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Aba 208 :Business Law Ii Question Paper

Aba 208 :Business Law Ii 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Administration

Institution: Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2015

Question one (30marks)
(a) Define e-business ?(2marks)
(b) What are the benefits of using e-business(mention at least FIVE)?(5marks)
(c)what is your understanding of the following types of types of-commerce
(I) B2B(business to business)(3marks)
(ii) B2B(business to customer(3 marks)
(D) Discuss in brief the following terms
(I) Telnet (3marks)
(ii) http (hypertext transfer protocol) (marks)
(iii) Remote login(3marks)
(e) Explain briefly how firewalls protect network (4marks)
(f) Discuss the process of data mining? What are the advantages of data mining? (4 marks)
Question Two (20marks)
(a) Explain network security. What are the types of security features used in client server types of network (5marks)
(b)Explain the application of E-Business in any one of the following fields
(I) Home banking (3marks)
(ii)Home entertainment (3marks)
(iii) Home shopping (6marks)
(c) Differentiate between data warehousing and data mining (6marks)
Question Three (20 marks )
(a) what is on electronic payment system?what are it's types and advantages (7marks)
(b)write notes on the following
(I) E-cash. (2marks)
(ii) Electronic cheques (2marks)
(c) Explain the layered architecture of EDI(5marks)
(D) What are the applications of EDI in business. (4marks)
Question Four (20marks)
(a) Explain the structure of Virtual Enterprise. (5marks)
(b) Explain briefly the generic framework for e-commerce (5marks)
(c) What are the features of clients/server computing? How do Tp systems affect performance of e-commerce sites? (5marks)
Explain the role of of World Wide Web field of e-commerce (5marks)
Question Five(20 marks )
(a) What is non -repudiation?How can it be achieved in designing e-cash based systems? (5marks)
(b) Explain the features and utilities available in Java, which makes it suitable for developing e-commerce applications (5marks)
(c) While transacting business on web , consumers look for instant feedback to make sure their transactions are successful. Identify the various types of online support that can assist consumers to know that their order is acknowledged (4marks)
(D) How can a website be hijacked and turned into azombie to cause DoS attack. Explain using Kenya based examples. (6marks)

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