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Operation Management Practice Question Paper

Operation Management Practice 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2009

Identify any firm in Kenya or in the world and do the following:

1.Does the post of operations manager exist? If not what is the equivalent post? Has the post undergone any change in name in the last 10 years?
Please get an organizational chart for the firm.

2.Identify the main operations in the firm, USE flow charts if you can.

3.Do you think the operations are already optimized in your firm? If yes, give evidence. If not explain how the operations can be optimized?

4.Traditionally the CEOs have come from marketing, finance/accounting. Does that apply to your firm? Explain why the current trend is for CEOS to come from Operations Department. You read on previous positions of current CEOs of Apple and IBM

5.Visit the website of KCB and explore the recent reorganization. Is that good or bad for operations management course? Explain.

6.Identify and explain 5 innovations in your chosen firm

7.Technology will make operation management irrelevant. Discuss.

8.Take a walk from Haille Sellasie/Uhuru junction into Moi Avenue then into University way/Uhuru Highway. As you walk identify 10 operations management issues. Then go to google maps and look at New York or Tokyo. Do you think, your issues identified in Nairobi are present in your chosen city? ( for Kisumu, walk along Oginga Odinga road)

9.Postulate the state of operation management in 2030; be global in perspective.

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