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Intelligent Agents Question Paper

Intelligent Agents 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: Maseno University question papers

Exam Year:2007

Attempt Question ONE and any other TWO Questions

1(a) Explain the meaning of each of the following terms;
(i) Agent(2Marks)
(ii) Intelligence(2Marks)
(iii) Agent architecture(2Marks)
b.Discuss how social ability is relevant to agents.(2Marks)
c.State and explain any six application areas for intelligent agents (12Marks)
d.Discuss any four characteristics of intelligent agent(8Marks)
e.Differentiate between agents and expert system(2Marks)

2 a.Agents exist in an environment;explain the following environments stating which one is easy for constructing an intelligent egent.
(i) Accessible and inaccessible environments(2Mark)
(ii) Deterministic and non-deterministic environments(2Marks)
(iii)Episodic and non-episodic environment(2Marks)
(iv) Static and dynamic environments(2Marks)
(v) Discrete and continuous environments(2Marks)
b.Formulate in prolog the following questions about the parent relation;
(i) Who is Atieno's parent?(2Marks)
(ii) Does Mocheche have a child?(2Marks)
(iii) Who is Korir's grandmother?(2Marks) c.Translate the following into the prolog rules;
(i) Everybody who has a child is glad (introduce a one-argument relation glad)(2Marks)
(ii) For all "A",if "A" has a child who has a sister then "A" has two children (introduce new relation has two children)(2Marks)

3 a.Suppose you want to build a deliberative agent.Describe the two problems that you must address and give your opinion on the general progress on the solution to these problems.(6Marks)
b.Define what practical reasoning is, and then describe the intentions in practical reasoning agent.(9Marks)
c.Define the relations
To find twins in the family database.(5Marks)

4 a.Agents are self-interestd,but they need to reach an agreement for them to be able to act efficiently,define the term negotiation, and discuss the four components of negotiation.(10Marks)
b.Explain the meaning of each of the following terms;interference;Logic;model;axiom.(8Marks)
c.Rewrite the following program without using the semicolon notation.
Translate (English,Kiswahili):-

5 a.Describe pattern recognition and its underlying principle(8Marks)
b.Define the relation knightpath (path) where path is a list of squares that represent a legal path of a knight on the empty chess board(4Marks)
c.Write queries to find the following from the family database;
(i) Names of families without children;
(ii) All employed children;
(iii) Names of families with employed wives and employed husbands;
(iv) All the children whose parents differ in age by at least 15 years(8Marks)

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