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K.C.S.E C.R. E Paper 2 2009 Question Paper

K.C.S.E C.R. E Paper 2 2009 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2009

K.C.S.E C.R. E PAPER 2 2009
1. (a) Outline the describe of prophet Isaiah about the messiah ( 8 mks)
(b) State six activities that took place when Jesus was born (Luke 2: 6- 20)
( 6 mks)
(c) Explain the importance of singing in a Christian service ( 6 mks)
2. (a) Describe the incident when Jesus was rejected at Nazareth. ( Luke 4: 16- 30)
( 7 mks)
(b) Give four reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Pharisees in Galilee
(Luke 5: 12- 6: 11) ( 8 mks)
(c) State five ways in church leaders can respond to those who oppose them in
Their work ( 5 mks)
3. (a) Identify five teachings that Jesus made to the guests at the Pharisees? house
(Luke 14: 1– 14) ( 5 mks)
(b) Give four reasons why Jesus used the parable of the great feast in his
teachings (Luke 14: 15 – 24) ( 8 mks)
(c) Write down seven reasons why Christians take part in the Lord?s Supper
( 7 mks)
4. (a) Give seven reasons why Jesus sent the holy Spirit to the disciples after his
ascension ( 7 mks)
(b) Identify four teachings of Saint Paul on the similarities between the church
and husband – wife relationship (Ephesians 5: 21- 32). ( 8 mks)
(c) State five ways in which Christians are able to identify those who posses the
gifts of the holy spirit ( 5 mks)
5. (a) Outline eight Christians teachings on work ( 8 mks)
(b) State the role of professionals ethics in a work place ( 6 mks)
(c) Identify six way sin which the church is helping to reduce the rate of
unemployment in Kenya today ( 6 mks)
6. (a) Explain four negative effects of the introduction of money economy on
traditional African Communities ( 8 mks)
(b) Outline six x teaching of Jesus on wealth (6 mks)
(c) Give six reasons why Christians should not involve themselves in gambling
(6 mks)

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